Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The Ye4 Group




OJSC Ye4 Group is an engineering company with a holding management structure. The total number of employees is 20,000 highly professional specialists, including more than 100 candidates and doctors of sciences. The holding's enterprises are located in 27 regions, in all federal districts of the Russian Federation and abroad. The Ye4 Group offers modern engineering solutions for power, mining and metallurgical, chemical, oil and gas, other industries, housing and communal services and infrastructure construction.

Major projects:

  • Construction of 3x418 MW CCGT of Nyagan GRES "turnkey."
  • Construction of PSU 410 MW of Krasnodar CHPP "turnkey."
  • Construction of a 115 MW CCGT at the boiler house of the North-Western district of Kursk "turnkey."
  • Construction of PSU 420 MW of Serovskaya GRES.
  • Construction of 420 MW PSU at Cherepovets State District Power Plant.
  • Construction of wet and dry storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel in Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory).
  • Participation in the construction of the New Safe Confinement (PBOC) over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • Execution of the feasibility study, the main, basic design, as well as works related to the design stage of the first NPP in Vietnam.


2025: Completion of bankruptcy proceedings

The Moscow Arbitration Court has completed the bankruptcy procedure of OJSC Group E4. This is stated in the information on the court's website, published in February 2025. The bankruptcy trustee of the company, Irina Moskvina, filed a petition with the court to complete the bankruptcy procedure for the company on January 13. The court ordered her to submit in advance "a documented report on her activities with the attachment of documents provided for in Article 147 of the Federal Law" On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)[1]
