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The republican perinatal center in Yakutsk


2017: Completion of construction

The Rostec state corporation in December, 2017 announced completion of construction of the perinatal center on 130 places in the capital of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Specialization of the center in Yakutsk — rendering the qualified medical care by the newborn and to women in cases of difficult perinatal pathology and risks of its emergence. As of December 25, an object undergoes the procedure of licensing and prepares for transfer into the ownership of the region. The cost of construction and hardware of medical institution exceeded 3.5 billion rubles.

Rostec put into operation the perinatal center in Yakutsk. Photo:

The project was implemented according to the federal program of development of network of the perinatal centers in regions of Russia. In its framework Rostec is defined by the customer of design, construction, equipping and commissioning of 15 similar centers for the whole country. Financing of the program is performed at the expense of means of regional budgets and Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund). Functions of the general contractor are performed by RT-Sotsstroy company.

The project of the perinatal center in Yakutsk. Photo:

The total structural volume of the 8-storey building of the perinatal center is more than 125 thousand cubic meters, its area is comparable to the town size. Extent of pipes of heating systems and heat supply of the center was 9 km, the water system and the sewerage — 27 km. The area of floor coverings was 26 thousand sq.m - it is more, than the center of the capital of Yakutia, specified in Rostec.

Construction of the perinatal center in a zone of permafrost caused a number of design features. Photo:
Object differs in the increased complexity. Construction in a zone of permafrost caused a number of design features. Many materials and technologies used on an object were applied in Yakutia for the first time. Despite all difficulties, works are performed in time. Support from administration of the region was for us considerable help. In the nearest future the center should accept the first patients — the deputy CEO of Rostec state corporation Nikolay Volobuyev reported.

As explained in state corporations, the existing perinatal center in Yakutsk which area of responsibility includes all republic, does not cope with loading and is in great need in occasional seats, departments and specialists. The created perinatal center is expected 130 places, from them 60 is taken away under the neonatal block. It is planned that the polyclinic (advisory) department will allow to take 200 patients for one change.

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