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UK Department of Transport





2021: Porn found on UK Department of Transport website

On November 25, 2021 Great Britain , pornography was posted on the website of the Ministry of Transport instead of traffic statistics and the ministry's business plan.

The site usually presents business plan documents and statistics on various public services, including driving tests, summary statistics on speeding fines and data on the number of public transport users.

Porn found on British government website

The address is not actually used by the Ministry of Transport and is considered abandoned. A search of other government domains revealed several other clearly unused websites, including a that leads to a password-protected page called EU Exit Haulers.

The Department of Transport reported:

An abandoned, inactive page on the Department of Transport website was used No information or data has been lost or compromised. The website address has since been permanently deleted.

Details of the incident are not disclosed. It is not known whether the domain was captured and redirected or hacked and modified.

This content was first noticed by The Crow, who suggested that someone moved the DNS record from the abandoned ministry website to a web page that hosts adult materials. Subdomain November 25 showed a demonstration of materials for adults all day.

This is not the first time a government website has been targeted with adult content - in September 2021, several US government pages were filled with Viagra and porn ads after hackers were able to access domains.

According to Bleeping Computer, this problem will raise serious questions about the security of the department's digital infrastructure if the problem is caused by the hacking of its systems by an attacker.[1]
