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Баннер в шапке 2

Avangard BIS Journal Center


Avangard Center specializes in organizing and conducting business events of various sizes in Russia and abroad.


Avangard Center is the operator and co-organizer of annual conferences on information security, which are held on the initiative and with the support of state structures-regulators of the information security market of Russia, the largest industry public associations and associations.

For 2014, the company acts as the organizer of the following events:

  • Ural Forum "Information Security of Banks" (official support of the Bank of Russia)
  • International conference "ΡΚΙ-Forum Russia" (official support of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications);
  • International Conference "Personal Data Protection" (official support of Roskomnadzor).

The company is the publisher of the BIS Journal − Information Security of Banks.


2007: Founding of the Company

Avangard Center was founded in 2007.

2011: Magazine Launch

Since 2011, Avangard Center has been publishing a specialized quarterly industry journal BIS Journal − Information Security of Banks, which contains information on all aspects of information security issues of banks and other credit and financial organizations:

  • Financial IT services: threats, risks and solutions;
  • Innovations in the field of legislation, regulations and standards;
  • Current requirements of state regulators, supervision and control;
  • Requirements of information security units of banks and payment systems;
  • Current situation and dynamics of market development - offers of vendors, integrators, audit and consulting.

2013: BIS-TV launch

In September 2013, Avangard Center launched BIS-TV, which presents a look at the events and leading players in the information security industry of banks, credit institutions and payment systems. The mission of the TV channel is to present an objective view of acute problems, attract recognized experts in the field of information security, educate citizens in the field of basic principles of information security.