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Information technologies
Since 2009
State of Massachusetts





Vaultive is the Israeli company developing software solutions for information security support, including for protection of exclusive accounts in cloud environments.

The Vaultive company is founded in 2009. By 2018 it more than $19 million were succeeded to attract financing for the amount. The most part of means arrived from venture funds. Among investors of company there are 406 Ventures, Harmony Partners, New Science Ventures and Founder Collective.


2018: Acquisition of assets with CyberArk company

As it became known in March, 2018, the American vendor of security systems of cloud services CyberArk purchased the Israeli company Vaultive developing solutions for exclusive access to cloud resources. In the press release it is noted that "single assets" of Vaultive are purchased, and it is not clear whether the Israeli firm will save after that any independence, or not. [1]

CyberArk proposes the solution under the name Privileged Account Security Solution — the system of protection of exclusive accounts in cloud environments. It is expected that developments of Vaultive proposing similar solutions will help "to simplify considerably work to exclusive business users and operators of cloud services of different categories (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS), having in parallel expanded pro-active management tools security".

The solution Vaultive allows "reduce risks", providing to clients a possibility of reliable storage of security keys from cloud accounts. Thereby, as approves Vaultive, the probability of a compromise and hit of details decreases by access to accounts with the high level of permissions.

In the press release it is noted that by 2021 expenses on public cloud services and infrastructure around the world will increase up to $277 billion.

"Exclusive business users, administrators of the SaaS, IaaS and PaaS systems have wide, and sometimes and unlimited access to social media, transactions of online sales and to finance applications. This access needs to be monitored and controlled constantly and so that it did not affect work of administrators and privileged users" — specified in CyberArk. [2]


  1. [CyberArk acquires cloud security firm Vaultive]
  2. [Cyberark Acquires Vaultive To Advance Privileged Account Security For The Cloud]