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name - VirusBlokAda |type

ODO "VirusBlokAda" — the only developer of the antivirus software in Belarus.


The enterprise was created in May, 1997 in the form of limited liability company. Developers of Vba32 anti-virus software (VirusBlokAda) existing as a commercial product since 1994 were its part.

In 2000 the enterprise was re-registered in the form of an additional liability company.

On December 6, 2006 ODO "VirusBlokAda" received the status of the resident of the park of high technologies.

On December 21, 2006 the company received the certificate of conformity of a quality management system of design, production and technical support of the software product to requirements of the Belarusian STB ISO 9001-2001 standard and the German DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000.


Within the park of high technologies ODO "VirusBlokAda" is the purpose:

  • in Republic of Belarus — development, implementation and operation of the software intended for protection against influence of malware in industrial and other organizations of the republic for substitution of similar import products;
  • in the world — export of the developed ODO "VirusBlokAda" of the national software intended for protection against influence of malware capable to compete with world analogs.

Types of activity

  • Development and maintenance of Vba32 complex (VirusBlokAda) of software tools of protection against influence of malware;
  • development and maintenance of the systems of security of the organizations and enterprises from influence of malware and computer viruses.
