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Vyksa Metallurgical Plant OMK VMZ




+ Vyksa Metallurgical Plant (OMK VMZ)
+ United Metallurgical Company (OMK)
1719, the famous decree of Peter the Great allowed "everyone in Russia to search, clean and melt metals." It was then that the first "pipes" springs appeared in the vicinity of Vyksa, where artisanal production of scream iron was carried out. But the true - industrial - development of metallurgy in these parts is associated with the decree of the daughter of Peter Elizabeth, who, perhaps not suspecting it, became the first Russian ruler - an ecologist. "To protect the forests from extermination," the empress ordered to close a number of factories at a distance of two hundred versts from Moscow. The list compiled by the Senate also included the enterprises of the famous "iron factories of industrialists" Andrei and Ivan Batashev, and the brothers were forced to recover in search of new places

In 2005, OMK won tenders of OJSC Gazprom"" and AK Transneft"" for the supply of large-diameter pipes for the largest national pipeline projects - the North European Gas Pipeline (SEG, later called "Nord Stream") oil pipeline and "Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean" (ESPO). In 2007, OMK became the only Russian company to win a tender for the supply of VMZ pipes for the Nord Stream underwater section, which will run along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. In 2008-09, VMZ participated in the supply of large-diameter pipes for the construction of the underwater part of Nord Stream, Asia the Srednyaya - and China Bovanenkovo-Ukhta main gas pipelines.

VMZ, winner of the Order of Lenin, state statuses "Leader of the Russian Economy" and "Elite of Russian Business," international prizes "Golden Mercury," "Golden Cliché," "Golden Palm Branch," looks to the future with confident calm Patriarch of Russian metallurgy. Experience of successful work for two and a half centuries gives him the right to do so.


2024: Oskol Metallurgical Engineering Plant came under the control of OMK

In mid-January 2024, it became known about the transfer of the Oskol Metallurgical Engineering Plant (OZMM) to the ownership of Vyksa Metallurgical Plant JSC, which is part of the United Metallurgical Company (OMK). The perimeter of the transaction included 95.48% of the shares of the Belgorod enterprise. Read more here.