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The American WWPass created by the Russian businessman Evgeny Shablygin, one of founders of Jet Infosystems company proposed the original solution for physical authentication of users on websites.

Whether the company relying on the Moscow experts in the field of cryptography is capable to make a revolution in the field of authentication of users on websites and to ensure safety of their data? The answer to this question is given by the entrepreneur Evgeny Shablygin who was born in Russia and founded WWPass company in the USA. Using the offered WWPass of a token of physical authentication PassKey users can undergo safe authentication on any website supporting the PassKey function. For support of PassKey on the Apache server the special software of WWPass is established. Key management of enciphering is exercised of users — neither WWPass, nor websites know nothing nor about origin of keys, nor about users.

Identification of users on the websites supporting WWPass technology is made anonymously then already other service, Personal Secure Storage, allows the connected clients to place the data safely.

The PassKey system which the WWPass company is going to sell for 29.95 dollars can be delivered in different options, including in type USB брелков, maps and applications for smartphones. "It can be used with technology of the communication of a near range (Near-Field Communication, NFC) applied in smartphones — the director of WWPass of strategy Eric Skeys reported. — The reserve token which can use if the original key is lost or stolen is included in the delivery of PassKey".

The business model assumes collection by service providers of a payment for WWPass authentication support. It will make about 5 dollars for one thousand transactions of authentication. Draw attention of potential clients to such things as PassKey, very not easy, however are sure of the company that their system is able to ensure necessary safety, and know about existence at business users of need for technologies of this sort.