Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation
Top managers:
Sharikov Sergey
Sozonov Alexey
In 2001 the Webnames.ru company initiated creation of domains in Russian and within ten years actively advanced the idea of the Cyrillic Internet addresses.
2014: The Government of Moscow selected Webnames.ru as the registrar for domains. MOSCOW and. MOSCOW
In November, 2014 the Webnames.ru company won the first in the Russian history public contract on registration of domains. According to its conditions, Webnames.ru will register and will service more than 2000 domain names in zones. MOSCOW and. MOSKVA for needs of executive authorities of the capital. All Russian companies having accreditation of ICANN fought for the government contract, but the proposal of Webnames.ru was recognized the best.
The registrar for the "state" domains in zones. MOSCOW and. MOSKVA was defined as a result of an open competition, in full accordance with requirements of the legislation. Tender was announced by the Moscow Department of Information Technology in September, 2014, and the winner was defined at the end of October. All requests were estimated by a broad set of criteria: price, quality characteristics, qualification, experience and goodwill of participants.
Along with Webnames.ru, RU-CENTER and REG.RU companies took part in tender. The key role in determination of the winner was played by additional services which Webnames.ru will provide to the customer. In particular, he will get access to the special interface for loading of electronic requests for registration of domains. This system as much as possible will simplify and considerably will accelerate the procedure of service.
The first requests for registration of domain names in domains. MOSCOW and. MOSKVA for authorities of the Russian capital will come to Webnames.ru in November, and performance of the government contract in a year – in November, 2015 will come to the end.