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Баннер в шапке 2

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University (YSPU) of K.D. Ushinsky


YaGPU, main building

The Yaroslavl state pedagogical university of K.D. Ushinsky is a traditional university - and the modern university.

Traditional - as is right to traditions of training of the teacher. Many years the university gives the permit in a profession to young teachers.

Modern - it means aspiration to universal educational preparation, to expansion of a circle of the studied disciplines, to carrying out relevant scientific research, to the new organization, to improvement of conditions of training.


For July, 2018 has the following structure:


  • Institute of philology and culture
  • Institute of pedagogics and psychology
  • Institute of development of personnel potential
  • International institute of cross-cultural communications


  • Historical
  • Physical and mathematical
  • Natural and geographical
  • Foreign languages
  • Physical culture
  • Pedagogical
  • Russian philology and culture
  • Defektologichesky
  • Social management (in structure of IPP)