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Kruglyakov Novel
Kruglyakov Novel

Roman Kruglyakov has the higher education — in 2000 graduated from physical faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University as a physicist, in 2006 — Grenoble Ecole De Management in Management Consulting.


In the Armada group began to work since 1997 in RBC Software company.

Since 2002. Kruglyakov was appointed the technical director of the company.

From the moment of education of the Armada group in 2007 he headed the technical direction of group, since 2009 — joins the board of Armada, since 2007 — is a participant of the option program.

On February 8, 2011 Armada announced Roman Kruglyakov's appointment to a position of the CEO of group.

In June, 2013 Roman Kruglyakov, the CEO of Armada was for the first time elected as a member of Board of Directors Armada.

October, 2013: A performance on Business of the Missile Defence TV channel.

In 2014 left Armada company.


The novel is a participant (vocalist) of The Managers group