Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry


MTPP – the non-state non-profit organization acting on the basis Constitutions of the Russian Federation, the Act of the Russian Federation "About Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation", the Law of the city of Moscow "About the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry", the Charter of MTPP.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia (CCI of the Russian Federation)



+ Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)

"The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry" was formed in December, 1991 and the CCI of Russia is one of the largest regional, integrating more than 2800 enterprises which form 66 public organizations (23 guilds and the commissions, 15 committees and 28 commissions on trade and economic cooperation with partners abroad).

The main objective of MTPP is support of business and assistance to development of an entrepreneurship in Moscow, building of effective relationship of business and the power. For development of the international cooperation in MTPP the Commissions on the external economic cooperation with partners in foreign countries function. Besides, agreements on cooperation are signed with CCI of Berlin, Paris, Manhattan, Boston and some other the cities of the world.