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"Open" BI systems: pros and cons


12.08.10, 11:42, Msk

According to a new research of Forrester Research company, a BI open source code system contain a set of functionality necessary for the enterprises, however at the same time they have also many shortcomings.

According to analysts of Forrester Research, in comparison with the closed products of a BI open source code system have the same advantages, as other open code systems, beginning from lower initial costs before more flexible maintenance and abilities to integrate.

Besides, in a research it is noted that internal developers of the companies using open source code systems are more active and interested as they can study better a system and considerably expand the source code.

There is a wide range of possibilities of BI open source code systems: data integration, tools of the reporting and data analysis, at the same time the research of Forrester Research is concentrated on systems Actuate Jaspersoft, SpagoBI and Pentaho, containing functionality of a business intelligence.

According to a research though producers of these systems offer these products within the solutions free of charge, in these systems often there is not enough necessary functionality.

According to analysts, by wrong will not claim that open source code systems are not always equivalent to "open" software. In certain cases it so, but "you receive what you pay for". Most likely, it is necessary to pay for such opportunities as security, scalability, connection to popular sources.

At the same time, according to a research of Forrester Research, it is difficult to compare directly among themselves four open source code systems. For example, while the analytical firm gives appreciation to the Actuate system, the product is substantially focused on traditional BI functions, such as reports and dashboards.

Jaspersoft, Pentaho and SpagoBI also use OLAP technology and are comparable with commercial products of SAP, Oracle and others. Though open source code systems do not contain all functions, available these products, some clients also do not need all additional opportunities.

According to a research, interferes with all BI open source code systems the same phenomena, as to larger commercial BI systems which use several technologies and are engaged in their integration. However in implementation projects of open source code systems integration is performed more simply and independently.