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For what do clients select ERP?


24.02.09, 11:30, Msk

According to results of a recent research, and expensive, but at the same time least "risky", projects on implementation of ERP from SAP are the longest. The least expensive and the fastest, at the same time with average quality of implementation - implementation projects of ERP from Microsoft. ERP systems from vendors of the second echelon bring to the users the maximum comfort, but at the same time and the maximum risks. Clients with ERP systems  from Oracle which, nevertheless,  holds the second in value market share are least happy.

The North American consulting company Panorama Consulting Group dealing  with problems of implementation of ERP systems published results of the research which covered 1300 implementation projects of ERP worldwide implemented for the last three years. It was offered to participants of a research to provide quantitative and qualitative answers to questions of the experience of implementation of ERP systems of first "echelon" (SAP, Oracle  and Microsoft) and ERP systems of second  "echelon" (Infor, Baan, Epicor, IFS, Lawson, Netsuite, Sage and others).

According to results of a research, most the companies (77%) selected ERP systems of the first level.

'Choice by clients of 'ERP vendors


Among vendors of the second echelon the greatest market share belongs  to Infor (2.9%), we will start Baan (2.3%), Epicor (1.7%), IFS (1.7%), Sage (1.3%) and the others follows.

On survey results, implementation of ERP systems of the first and second  echelon occupies approximately identical amount of time. On average, the ERP project proceeds 19.8 months.

'Terms of implementation of 'ERP projects


The average cost of implementation of ERP systems from SAP and Oracle is much higher, than a similar indicator for Microsoft and in general for the software of the second echelon.

'Cost of 'ERP projects


In general the companies (the average measure value on top management and ordinary users was used here) are most satisfied with the software  of SAP and  software of the second echelon.

'Customer satisfaction  results of 'ERP projects


As for risk factors (they were estimated as the frequency of failures and stops in work of the ERP system after completion of implementation and its transfer to operation), the systems of the second echelon unambiguously and with a big separation were estimated as "more risky", as explains, probably, finally the choice of clients for benefit of more expensive and difficult implemented, but reliable solutions.

<tbody> </tbody>
SAPOracleMicrosoftПО второго эшелонав среднем
продолжительность  проекта 20 мес.18 мес.18 мес.17,8 мес.19,8 мес.
стоимость проекта16,8 млн. долларов12,6 млн. долларов2,6 млн. долларов3,5 млн. долларов8,5 млн. долларов
удовлетворенность результатами73%62%69%70%67%
степень риска 50% 56,9% 57,7% 61,8% 54%
выводы максималльная доля рынка;

the longest and expensive projects;

the smallest risk

вторая по величине доля рынка;

the smallest degree of satisfaction;

project duration is lower than average value;

project cost is higher than average value

третья по величине доля рынка;

the smallest project cost;

the smallest project duration;

degree of satisfaction and risks are close to average values

23% рынка;

small term of implementation;

implementation cost is lower than average value;

the most advanced stage of an udovletvoyernnost;

the greatest risks