Interleasing charged development of ERP to other integrator
File:-1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements02.07.08, 14:18, Msk
-1 XLIFFService: Sequence contains no elements
The Microtest company [1] (file) started implementation of the next stage of the project of control automation by business based on the solution Microsoft Dynamics AX in Interleasing group.
Activity of the universal leasing company is focused on rendering services of leasing to the enterprises of large and medium business, including leasing of cars and freight vehicles, the construction equipment, a production equipment and the real estate.
Mastering of the ERP system in group was begun in March, 2008 with implementation of modules of management of budgeting and treasury. This part of the project was implemented by NORBIT company [2] (file). Since May, 2008, according to the solution of the customer, further development of the ERP system was transferred under management of Microtest company. The next stage of the project is connected with automation of operations on management of cash flows and leasing transactions.
By this moment the complex analysis of key business processes of group is carried out and the package of measures for their optimization is developed.
It is supposed that as a result the ERP system will cover change management, management of the credits and loans, the payment schedule, management of non-payments, management of requests, management of signing of the contracts and settlings with suppliers. Besides, the 1C is going to integrate the ERP system with an accounting system ": The enterprise" that should provide maintaining the consolidated management and budget reporting and also prepare a basis for the transfer of accounting of all legal entities of group and their selected divisions to the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform which is planned further.