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Баннер в шапке 2

Main events of week on February 20-26


19.02.12, 21:48, Msk

On February 25 to Steve Jobs 57 years would be performed if not an artful disease which claimed his life only several months ago. Week is also remarkable from February 20 to February 26 birthdays of Olga Uskova, the president of Cognitive Technologies, and Michael Dell, the founder of Dell.

February 21

On Tuesday and on Wednesday (on February 21 and 22) in Novosibirsk there will take place the annual Telecom Siberia 2012 conference. It is a regional conference for professional participants of the market and specialists of the communications industry.

Also on Tuesday NAIRIT suggests to discuss "Problems and the prospects of the Russian youth innovation community" within the specialized conference in Moscow.

This day in 2008 the EVOLA company, one of the largest Russian partners of SAP in the field of control automation by personnel was founded. Besides, the company performs information and business consulting in relation to HRM.

February 22

On February 22 the IBM company invites to an action with participation of Gerry Mooney, the vice president of corporation for the Smarter Cities direction (the Reasonable City). Gerry Mooney will provide experience of IBM in intellectual conversion of the city systems using information technologies.

February the birth is celebrated by Alexander Palladin, the director of the press service in the CIS countries of Cisco Systems company. Earlier Alexander headed the press service of Intel in CIS and Baltic countries.

February 23

On February 23 in 1994 the CompuTel company, the Russian system integrator rendering a full range of services in creation and support of end-to-end information systems and their components was founded.

This day the founder of Dell Michael Dell was born. The American businessman
who began with sale of brands and a subscription for the newspaper of district scale and founded afterwards one of the largest world IT companies.

One more birthday boy of day - Denis Manturov, the deputy minister of the industry and power engineering specialists, earlier the CEO Oboronprom of a MIC.

February 24

On February 24 a year ago the Kazan company Neti which is engaged in implementations of IT systems was founded.

this day 57 years would be performed to the legendary American entrepreneur, the founder and in the past to the CEO of Apple company Steve Jobs. Jobs died on October 5, 2011 from cancer after several years of unsuccessful fight against a disease. His death threw in shock not only army of numerous admirers, but also all world IT market. Condolences to family and Jobs's colleagues expressed heads of the world states and the largest world corporations, having recognized that his deposit to modern information technologies is invaluable.

February 25

On Saturday with assistance of T-Systems CIS the first will pass in St. Petersburg city the forum IT of specialists "Find IT".

This day Sergey Matsotsky, the chairman of the board of IBS company was born. Till January, 2012 also held a post of the CEO of the company which conceded to Svetlana Balanova.

February 26

On February 26 Olga Uskova, the president of Cognitive Technologies group (Cognitive technologies) was born. Mrs. Uskova was born in
family  of programmers, got the corresponding academic education and several years worked in profile scientific research institutes and also Institute of systems analysis of RAS on the basis of which Cognitive was created. In 1992 - 1999 years was also a chief executive of the company. Since 2006 Olga Uskova participates in work of Expert advice at the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation and heads National association of innovations and information technology development (NAIRIT).

One more birthday boy of day - Alexander Kazantsev, the CEO of "Ekonomiks of bureau".

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.