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Main events of week on October 17-23


17.10.11, 10:30, Msk

During a week from October 17 to October 23 in IT market the set of interesting events will take place: the Network Infrastructure conference in Moscow, a technology forum of SAP, the presentation of the new Forecast BI platform and many other things what it is possible to learn in the overview of TAdviser about.

October 17

On Monday the conference of users of Esri, the world supplier of geoinformation technologies will begin, it will continue work up to October 20.

In Samara this day will discuss "Modern technologies of personnel management" within the specialized conference.

this day Dmitry Peskov, the head of the press service of the Government of the Russian Federation, the personnel diplomat who worked in Embassy of Russia in Turkey earlier was born. Peskov was the press secretary of the Group of Eight summit which was taking place in June, 2006 in St. Petersburg and also supervised signing of the contracts between the Russian government and the American PR-company Ketchum.

One more birthday boy of day - Valery Lipkin, the president of BCC Company
. Was born in Murmansk, graduated with honors from electrotechnical institute of communication of Bonch-Bruyevich. In a present position - since 1994.

Also on October 17 a birthday Nikolay Zatravin, the Chief information officer OK celebrates , network of hypermarkets. Creation of an information system on the basis of Axapta Retail became one of the main projects on this post.

In 2000 this day the Altius Soft company was founded.

October 18

On Tuesday the Galaktika Corporation invites to an industry conference "Management of university in modern market conditions: restructuring of the organization, personnel management and application of information technologies". On Tuesday and Wednesday the conference will work in Moscow, and on Thursday – in St. Petersburg.

On October 18 in Moscow the technology forum of SAP of "An innovation in the service of your business" is. The discussed issues: mobility of business, storage and base this and many other things.

On Tuesday in St. Petersburg another meeting of Developers Community Spb Apple will take place. Fans of products of Apple will gather to discuss innovations of IOS 5, Mac OS Lion and the mobile platform of Microsoft company which recently came to Russia — Windows Phone 7.

With 18 on the 20th in Moscow there will be[1]a "Modern Technologies of Researches, Design, Construction and Geoinformation Support" conference.

The Ru-Center this day holds an event under the name World Hosting Day.

October 19

IDC on Wednesday organizes[2]the "IT in Retail Trade" conference.

Also on Wednesday opening "Competence Center of information technological solutions of upgrade and the innovative development of a MIC based on Federal State Unitary Enterprise VIMI will take place.

The Symantec corporation on Wednesday will announce start of distribution of the products VeriSign in Russia.

Microinvest since October 19 holds a three-day country three-day conference for the Russian friends and partners. Specialists from Bulgaria, together with the leading Russian manufacturers of the cash equipment and POS solutions, will show possibilities of complete solutions, interfaces of software to video surveillance, a retail store equipment, the CPC, web technologies.

19 – also[3]the IT in energy industry conference will take place. The action will gather consumers and suppliers of IT solutions for power market.

In St. Petersburg on October 19-20 there will take place[4]the "Innovations in Electrical Power Construction" conference.

The first conference on work planning on a MRO will work on October 19-21.

On October 19-21 in Moscow there will take place also the conference on issues of training from[5]e-learning "MOSCOW Education Online 2011" technologies.

From October 19 to October 21 in the capital the main annual Internet event of the industry – the IV Week of the Russian Internet will take place (Russian Internet Week, RIW-2011).

And in Krasnoyarsk on October 19-21 there will be a card an exhibition "itCOM there are Information technologies. Telecommunications".

this day Victor Remsha, the chairman of the board of directors, the owner of investment holding "Finam" and one of the most successful investors was born in the Russian online projects.

One more birthday boy of day - Vladimir Arlazarov, the CEO  of Cognitive Technologies company (Cognitive technologies), the corresponding member of RAS, the member of the European academy of Sciences (since 2007). One of the leading world specialists in the field of optical character recognition (OCR). Now Vladimir Arlazarov is concentrated on solving of tasks, lying on a joint of artificial intelligence and the systems of effective information processing (under its management more than 50 master's theses). Is managers of department of cognitive technologies at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

October 20

On Thursday the OSP-Con agency holds[6]the forum "Network Infrastructure of 2011". It is the authoritative platform for discussion of a wide range of the technology and economic problems connected with design, creation and operation of corporate and operator infrastructures.

This day also scientific[7]conference "Control Automation and Intelligent Systems and Wednesdays" will take place.

In St. Petersburg[8]the "Experience and Perspectives of Cooperation in Automation of Productive and Economic Activity of Airlines" conference will take place on October 20-21. Representatives of the largest airlines of Russia and the CIS assume to participate in a conference.

On October 20 in Moscow there will take place[9]the "Advanced Solutions and Innovations of Citect" conference.

Also this day the action under the name "Autumn document flow-2011 will take place. EOS Group about the main thing: public services, portal solutions of an ECM class, mobility, storage".

This day Johnathan Schwartz, the CEO of the American company Taleo was born, till February, 2010 was the president and the chief executive of SUN Microsystems company. With Schwartz on one quarter the Hindu, on one quarter the Welshman (from mother), on one quarter the Hungarian and on one quarter Russian (from the father). Schwartz on a post of the head of Sun is put by a number of successful innovations on the Niva of "cloud" technologies, from open source of technologies to effective data centers, storage systems and other products down to credit.

October 21

On Friday in MoscowPROGNOZ Day will take place ": Effective management. The best practices in the field of a business intelligence". Within the action there will take place the presentation of the new integrated PROGNOZ Platform platform.

This day Eric Galstyan, the commercial director of CORUS Consulting company was born.

Also on October 21 the birth is celebrated by Ann Malkokhi, the chairman of the board of directors of the American corporation Xerox. Failure from direct sales for benefit of work through partners became one of the main points in the politician Mulcahy. This change of strategy leads to the fact that the general staff of Xerox smoothly decreases from 78.9 thousand employees in 2001 to 55.2 thousand in 2005.

October 22

On October 22-23 in Moscow the largest HackDay of this fall will take place. Participants are given an opportunity to turn the idea into the working prototype, to gather a team, it is productive to spend time and to receive investments for development of the project.

this day Anton Chekhonin, the CEO of NORBIT company was born.

On October 22, 2010 went on sale of Windows 7, the most significant release of Microsoft for the last 10 years. Windows 7 appeared almost in three years after release of Windows Vista in which many business users and also users of home PCs were disappointed. The new version of the operating system became the most sold.

October 23

On October 23 Oleg Byakhov, the director of business development of IBM was born.

One more birthday boy of day - Igor Bakaldin, the Chief information officer "MIEL-Nedvizhimost", the CEO of legal entity of Informatsionnye tekhnologii Ltd holding.

Also this day Dmitry Kalinin, the vice president for finance of Asteros who was earlier working as the deputy director general "Sheremetyevo Airport (MASh)" was born.

It is possible to study the complete list of events of this week here.