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Microsoft provides free access to CRM Online


03.11.09, 17:00, Msk

The Microsoft company tries to entice clients of and Oracle CRM on Demand, having offered them free access to the CRM system of Online within six months if they sign the 12-month contract.  

The cost of a CRM system of Online Professional is 44 dollars a month for one user. Professional cost – 65 dollars a month for one user, and cost of Oracle CRM On demand begins with 70 dollars a month for one user. According to Brad Wilson (Brad Wilson), the director of Dynamics CRM, functionality [1][#9561496147227133 of the CRM system] Microsoft ][2] (file) is comparable to solutions of competitors, but is 35% cheaper. The offer of Microsoft works until the end of the current year. In further Microsoft is going to expand this offer for clients of other CRM solutions.

However, according to Ray Vanga (Ray Wang), potential clients can not take advantage of this offer if with Oracle [3] (file) or the annual contract which expires after end of the offered Microsoft of the six-months period for transition to her system is signed. Though terms of the contract can provide its termination, users will not receive compensation for the remained period that can frighten off potential clients.

In new release of a system Microsoft made a subscription to a system "very simple". Information on the credit card is not required to be registered, only the e-mail address is necessary. After registration users can begin to use free trial version of a system.

30-days system testing is performed on the test data entered into the CRM system. Tools of the built-in help contain information on installation and maintenance of a system. Microsofttakzhe developed the advanced "master of import of data". Besides, without additional payment mobile access to a system from any phone with the HTML 4.0 web browser is provided.

In 2010 Microsoft is going to broaden number of the countries where Online CRM system will be available. Now a system is available in the USA and Canada.