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The share of IE falls, Chrome and Firefox come


02.11.11, 12:57, Msk
Текст: Sergey Mazharov

The share of the Internet Explorer browser is steadily reduced. Chrome will overtake Firefox in April, 2012 and can become browser number two in the world.

Internet Explorer (IE), the browser of Microsoft company, last month lost the greatest share of users for three years, Net Applications reported.

The share of IE dropped by 1.8 percentage points up to 52.6% in October that followed decrease on nine tenth points in September. Falling in November, 2008 when IE promptly fell more than upon 2 points was the greatest only, the Net Applications company specializing in statistics of network applications reported.

Within the last three months the browser of Microsoft lost 3.3 points or 6% of the general share as of July 31 - the greatest three-months falling since October-December, 2009.

As it became obvious, in October Chrome from Google and Safari from Apple were winners in a race of browsers, increasing the share by 1.4 and 0.4 percentage points, respectively. Chrome finished October from shares in 17.6% while 5.4% of all browsers used in the world within a month are the share of Safari. According to Net Applications, both browsers reached record values of shares of use in the desktop systems.

Microsoft directly does not influence the continuing decrease in a share of its browser today, but during the most part of year repeats a maxim about increase in a share of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) in the Windows 7 operating system. The world share of IE9 on Windows 7 made 22.5%, increase at 1.4 points. This result displays the browser in the second line in relation to Windows 7 OS, after the IE8 browser and is much higher than the third based on Chrome 14 to which share 18.1% of all browsers used in this operating system fell.

In the USA at IE9 still a big share on Windows 7 - 34.9% are, more, than at all versions of Chrome and Firefox, combined. However, despite impressive progress of the new IE9 browser started in March of last year they did not stop transition of users from old versions of IE on alternative browsers.

In October the share of IE9 operating on all operating systems, not only Windows 7 grew by 1.1 percent points and reached 9.8%. At the same time IE8, IE7 and IE6 lost a cumulative share in 2.7 points. The share of IE8 fell to nine tenth and reached 29% while IE7 and IE6 lost six tenth and 1.1 points, by the end of October having reached point 5.4% and 7.5% respectively.

It is very probable that together with withdrawal from the desktop systems of old versions of IE transition of users to other browsers will slow down or will stop. But by then the long-playing plan of Microsoft will exhaust, IE will lose the position of domination and will be rolled away below a mark of 50%.

According to the forecasts based on data of Net Applications, the share of IE will fall lower than 50% in January, 2012, and if recession of the last three months continues at former speed, by June, 2012 43.7% will fall to the share of the browser from Microsoft.

The most part of the share lost by IE was received by Chrome, having continued the trend created at the end of 2009 when growth of Firefox clogged. The share of this browser remained invariable since September and makes 22.5%.

Firefox can still lose the second place which can occupy Chrome: if development of these browsers corresponds to the current trends, in April, 2012 Chrome will overtake Firefox. According to forecasts of Net Applications, Chrome should cross a 20% mark in January or February, 2012.