Notamedia Notamedia
Information Technology
Since 2004
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
129085, Prospect Mira, 101, p. 1
Top managers:
Maxim Vadimovich Malyshev
Sergey Kovtun.
Since 2004
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
129085, Prospect Mira, 101, p. 1
Top managers:
Maxim Vadimovich Malyshev
Sergey Kovtun.
Notamedia has been creating sites since 2004.
For October 2019, Notamedia's competencies include:
- designing and creating sites;
- interface design;
- web design;
- development of the original concept of Internet resources;
- system integration;
- automation of business processes;
- development of the intranet;
- Implementation of CRM solutions
- information, marketing and technical support of sites;
- resource optimization for search engines and directories;
- internet marketing;
- development and creation of corporate identity.
2023: TAdviser interview with CEO Sergey Kovtun
To TAdviser's questions about the peculiarities of working with state customers in the implementation of large-scale IT projects, as well as about the development of the Digital Platform МСП.РФ Sergey Kovtun, partner, general director of the integrator Notamedia, answered. Read more here.