Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




Confiscation of property

On July 4, 2024, it became known that the Prosecutor General's Office was confiscating the assets of Alexander Kireev, a former employee of the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), who is accused of bribery. He is a defendant in a case related to the organization of a criminal community to send the co-founders of Merlion to jail and extort 15 billion rubles from them for release.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, Colonel of Justice Kireev has held a number of responsible positions for 12 years of service in the central office of the TFR. In particular, he was responsible for countering threats to employees in the main organizational and inspection department of the TFR, was engaged in documentation in the control department of Alexander Bastrykin, considered complaints about the actions and inaction of his colleagues, etc. In addition, he headed the internal inspection unit.

The Prosecutor General's Office confiscates the assets of Alexander Kireev

Kireev's official income from 2011 to 2022 amounted to about 21.3 million rubles. According to supervisory authorities, almost all of these funds should have been spent on maintaining a family - a spouse who had no income, and two children. However, Kireev actively acquired real estate, which he registered with his parents. So, in 2016, he bought an apartment with an area of ​ ​ 107.8 square meters. m on Bolshaya Naberezhnaya Street in Moscow worth 17, 6 million rubles. Then four parking spaces were purchased for a total of 8.2 million rubles, apartments for 26.2 million and 19.2 million rubles in the elite Dynasty residential complex on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, as well as apartments in the Khoroshevsky residential complex for 32.6 million rubles. In addition, a number of objects were acquired or built by the Kireevs Sr. themselves: their total cost exceeded 30 million rubles.

The Prosecutor General's Office believes that Kireev devoted himself "not to honest service in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, but to corrupt enrichment of himself, his relatives and persons in close relations with him." On this basis, the department demands to confiscate real estate from the Kireev family and recover 26 million rubles from them as the equivalent of previously sold objects.[1]

Major fraud charge

In early September 2024, the Khoroshevsky Court of Moscow charged the former deputy head of the eighth department (service checks) of the personnel department of the TFR Alexander Kireev, who is involved in the Merlion case. He is charged with major fraud, evidence tampering, bribery and participation in an organized criminal community.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, Kireev, according to investigators, participated in the fabrication of the case of co-owners of the IT company Merlion, followed by extortion of 15 billion rubles from them for ending the criminal prosecution. It is alleged, in particular, that the defendant organized an audit against officials of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Moscow Region, who refused to initiate a criminal case at the request of ex-Merlion CEO Vyacheslav Simonenko. Kireev's accomplice, Denis Nikolaev, also appears in this case.

source = CKP
Former deputy head of the TFR department in the Merlion case was accused of major fraud, falsification of evidence and bribery

In addition, Kireev is charged with fraud and taking bribes. According to the investigation, in 2019, the defendant, together with a colleague from the regional headquarters of the TFR Seliverstov, convinced the famous businessman Konstantin Ponomarev, who was serving time for attempted fraud, to give them bribes for assisting in withdrawing the lawsuit filed against him, removing the arrest from his accounts, parole from the colony and non-excitation of new cases. The defendants received 80 million rubles from the lawyer of the entrepreneur Alexander Tsyupko, after which they began to demand almost 4 billion rubles.

Kireev himself does not admit guilt. According to his lawyer Andrei Smitsky, who refers to the prosecutor's speech, Kireev did not take part in extorting money from the co-owners of Merlion. According to the second episode, it is alleged that Kireev and Tsyupko communicated once in 2019, and then the lawyer tried to find out how his client, businessman Ponomarev, was doing. After that, Kireev did not contact the lawyer.[2]
