Astezheva Francesca Yaponovna
Astezheva Francesca Japonovna is a deputy manager of administration of the head and the government of KChR.
Francesca was born in the aul of Besleney of Stavropol Krai.
In 1986 graduated from the Pyatigorsk state teacher training college of foreign languages.
In 2003 completed preparation at the Pyatigorsk institute of management, business and right
In 2004 completed professional development course in the Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation.
In 2009 took a professional development course in Saratov State Academy of Law.
Academic degree, rank: in 2010 the major of internal affairs in resignation completed a postgraduate study of RAGS.
In 1986 Astezheva worked as the day-care center teacher of Besleneevsky high school, the aul of Besleney, Habezsky district.
From 1986 to 1987 worked as the tutor of Humarinsky kindergarten, auat Humar of the Karachay area.
In 1987 and for 1989 Francesca acted as the high pionervozhaty Humarinsky high school, the aul of Humara of the Karachay area.
From 1989 to 1991 worked as kindergarten teacher No. 34, in the city of Cherkessk.
From 1991 to 2004 served in law-enforcement bodies of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
From 2004 to 2010 Francesca Japonovna held a position of the head of department of documentary providing the President and the government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
In 2010 received a position of the deputy manager of Administration of the President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the head of department of documentary providing the president and the government of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the deputy manager of administration of the head and the government of KChR, the head of department of documentary providing the head and the government of KChR.
For March 3, 2015 Francesca Japonovna Astejeva works as the deputy manager of administration of the head and the government of KChR.
Has government awards: "Honored worker of public service of KChR".
Francesca Astejeva on national television, 2014