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Coumarin (Badgers) Vladimir Sergeyevich
Coumarin (Badgers) Vladimir Sergeyevich

The Russian criminal leader (in the past Kumarin), the leader of so-called Tambov organized criminal group from St. Petersburg, was not less known in entrepreneurial circles of the Northwestern Federal District as the large businessman.


Vladimir Kumarin was born on February 15, 1956 in the village of Aleksandrovka of Muchkapsky district of the Tambov region.


After school went to army, having served, arrived in 1976 to Leningrad and entered Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics in "Optiko-fizichesky devices".

After a while left institute, began to work as the door-keeper at restaurant, and then the bartender. Kumarin received the first criminal record in 1985 when on its apartment cartridges and forgery documents were detected. Having conditional ahead of schedule released in 1987, he one of the first scented a smell of changes, and, without having wished to stand aside, began to bring together the crew, in particular, from the fellow countrymen — natives of the Tambov region. Originally its crew adjoined the Velikiye Luki organized criminal group gaining strength led by brothers Gavrilenkov.

1989: Beginning of criminal activity

In 1989 "Tambov" and participants of the so-called Malyshevsky organized criminal group competing to them suited one of the first shootouts which came into the view of the public of Russia in Devyatkino.

Warring parties used firearms. After that 72 participants of the Tambov organized criminal group were brought to trial, Vladimir Kumarin was put on the wanted list and arrested in 1990. To the prosecutor holding charge on the eve of the regular court session, put a severe injury of the head, and, perhaps, in communication in this act, the court pronounced light sentences to the arrested "residents of Tambov".

Coumarin was released only in 1993. After its return to St. Petersburg on the city the wave of dismantling, contract murders and other crimes swept. Many connected them with "Tambov" aiming to return themselves a leading position in the city. At the same time Kumarin did not share money with the brothers Gavrilenkov who are, presumably, obtained by Kumarin on swindle with Spanish wine.

1994: Attempt and loss of the right hand

On June 1, 1994 on Kumarin attempt was made. Judging by the subsequent events, behind it there were deprived Gavrilenkova's brothers - representatives of the "Velikiye Luki" organized criminal group. When the leader of "Tambov" got into the car, it was shot with a submachine gun. Saved Kumarin only the fact that he this day itself took the wheel, and on a passenger seat there was a security guard who died. He was taken to hospital of Kosciusko, to intensive care unit. After a while to hospital tens furious armed "Tambov", ready to protect the boss gathered, but they managed to be dispersed law enforcement officers. Kumarin managed to survive, but it was not succeeded to save the right hand - it was amputated. After attempt, Kumarin ran abroad, and returned only when his expected enemies - Nikolay Gavrilenkov and Victor Gavrilenkov were neytralizirovana: the first - is devoted to death, the second - is forced out from the Russian Federation to Spain.

1996: Return to Russia

Having returned, since the beginning of 1996 Kumarin actively was implemented into the commercial sphere. Kumarin's influence became very big both deep into - the most considerable shares of ownership, and in breadth — fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering, the food industry, the financial and credit sphere, trade in the real estate. Activity scale did not allow Kumarin to be associated with criminals, at least, externally any more. And Kumarin publicly separates from antisocial activity and criminals, having replaced a surname with a maiden name of mother (Barsukov), having legal proceedings with those who called him "the leader of the Tambov organized criminal group".

Since 1998 Kumarin officially held a post of the chairman of "PTK" (Petersburg Fuel Company), the oil refining company, largest in the city. Thus, Kumarin became the face which is not disappearing from publicity, and the successful businessman and, having actively done charity work, and the patron. So was till 2004 - Barsukova (Kumarina) practically nothing was heard about criminal communications.

But in 2007 there was a raider capture of a number of the St. Petersburg shops. Kumarin participated in his organization and was arrested on a charge of fraud and to some other accompanying.

2009: Condemnation for 14 years

On November 12, 2009 the court sentenced Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarin) to 14 years of imprisonment, other persons who were connected to the case received from 5 to 15 years. Further in exchange for testimonies against Kumarin imprisonment terms of his accomplices were reduced.


Condemnation for 24 years of colony

Vladimir Barsukov was sentenced by a sentence of the Kuibyshev district court of St. Petersburg of March 20, 2019 to 24 years of maximum security penal colony for establishing a criminal organization (Part 1 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) taking into account the terms which are earlier appointed to it on some other convictions.

Homicide indictment of the deputy of the State Duma Starovoytova

On April 7, 2019 it became known that the investigation brought homicide indictment of the deputy of the State Duma Galina Starovoytova to Vladimir Barsukov, the lawyer reported it.

The deputy of the State Duma, the cochairman of a batch Democratic Russia Galina Starovoytova was shot at an entrance of the house in St. Petersburg on November 20, 1998.

In June, 2005 the city court of St. Petersburg sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment in maximum security penal colony of the organizer of murder Starovoytova of Yury Kolchin.

Then the direct contractor of murder Vitaly Akishin who received 23.5 years of imprisonment was condemned.

The ex-deputy of the State Duma Mikhail Glushchenko was condemned for partnership in the organization of murder in August, 2015. The court sentenced him to 17 years in maximum security penal colony. The last gave evidences on Barsukov within this case, having signed the pre-trial agreement about cooperation.

"Charge under the 277th article ("Infringement of life of the state or public figure") was brought", - the lawyer Barsukova Konstantin Kuzminykh told Interfax.

As the lawyer added, does not admit guilt of Badgers, protection considers charge unreasonable.

According to the Russian legislation, on new charge Barsukov is threatened by lifelong imprisonment.

According to Kuzminy, a consequence of the St. Petersburg management of FSB is engaged in legal investigation.

According to the St. Petersburg edition "Fontanka", in the resolution on Barsukov's involvement as the politician accused on the case of murder it is noted that he, "being informed on desire of the unidentified person to stop the state and political activity of the deputy of the State Duma, the eminent political figure, the Democratic Russia party leader Starovoytova which vigorous political and state activity caused acute aversion in her opponents up to hatred at separate of them, together with it made the decision to stop its state and political activity by her murder".

The lawyer of the entrepreneur confirmed to Interfax contents of the document.


He is married to Marina Haberlakh-Kumarina, the shareholder of the Rzhevka airport. The daughter Maria is a woman of fashion, studied in St. Petersburg State University.