Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Valery Degtyarev was born on May 16, 1957. In 1979 graduated from the Omsk institute of engineers of railway transport (OMIIT). In 1986 completed postgraduate studies at the Leningrad institute of engineers of railway transport. In 2000 - Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Since 1986 - the chief engineer of design bureau of the Leningrad subway, the chief designer of an automatic control system train service. Since 1991 - the CEO of Lensib company. In 1992 became the technical director and the marketing director and to development of Metrocom company. Since 2000 - the First Deputy CEO of Comcor-TV company. Since 2001 - the adviser to the president of JSC Transtelecom. Became the CEO of Professionalnye telekommunikatsii Ltd a year later. In 2003 it was appointed the coordinator of the federal TETRARUS project. Since 2004 - the CEO of JSC Tetrasvyaz. From 2007 to 2011 - the CEO of Tekhnotel LLC. In different years Valery Degtyarev took part in work of Boards of Directors of JSC Rostelecom, JSC VolgaTelecom, JSC Dalsvyaz, RadioTel Ltd, JSC Yugtelekom, JSC CenterTelecom.

In April, 2011 it is appointed the deputy CEO for development of the Omsk production association (OMPO) "Radio plant of A.S. Popov". To this deputy director on development of the enterprise there was Boleslav Bukovsky who a few years ago became an advisor to director general. All this time the direction on development of the radio plant had no head.

As the deputy CEO for development Valery Degtyarev will focus on solving of tasks, delivered by the Government of the Russian Federation and provided by "The comprehensive program of development of OMPO "the Radio plant of A.S. Popov" till 2015" on increase in volumes of production of dual and civil purpose and promotion of the standard of communication of HPIP.

The company adopted the comprehensive program at the beginning of 2007. Then the deputy director on development Boleslav Bukovsky said that upgrade of defense production, development of integration communications with the countries of the CSTO and increase in not defense segment of productive activity remain priority activities. "By 2010 the ratio of defense production and production of civil products will make 55% for 45% respectively, and by 2015 - 30% and 60%", - Boleslav Bukovsky promised. At the end of 2009 the press service of the plant reported that the company intends to invest in production upgrade not less than 3 billion rubles in five years.