Was born on July 13, 1975 in Moscow
- In 1997 graduated from the Moscow institute of radio engineering, electronics and automatic equipment (Technical university) in "Automated information processing systems and managements".
- In 2010 was trained at the Harvard business school. In 2012 finished the educational program of Foundation and Leadership at Yale University.
The professional career began in 1995 on the software engineer's position at settlement institute of infrastructure of security market - Central depository, proceeded in MCD Soft company and Rosgosstrakh. At the beginning of the 2000th years acted as the co-founder of Parallels company, world leading manufacturer of solutions for virtualization, start of a set of the isolated copies of operating systems on one computer. Now holds the vice president's position.
- The winner of the National award of Vladimir V. Zvorykin, as "The best innovation manager" (2008);
- In 2012 within the World Economic Forum it is mentioned in number 200 of the best world young leaders in the Young Global Leader nomination.
In 13 years became the winner of the All-Russian tender of programming.
Hobbies are Mountain skiing, diving, parachuting, autorally, motorcycle sport, run, ashtanga-yoga
Marital status - he Is married, brings up the daughter