Dotsenko Sergey Nikolaevich
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Was born on July 4, 1978 in the city of Fastov of Kiev region.
In 2004 graduated from National legal academy of Ukraine to them. Ya. Mudry also graduated in Jurisprudence.
With 02.1998 on 09.1998 g - the leading specialist of department of investigation of offenses in security market of Management of investigation of offenses in security market and law enforcements, the State Securities Commission and the stock market, Kiev;
With 09.1998 on 10.1999 g - the assistant to the Member of the commission, the State Securities Commission and the stock market, Kiev;
With 10.1999 on 12.1999 g - the chief specialist of department of legal support of management of investigation of offenses in security market and law enforcements, the State Securities Commission and the stock market, Kiev;
With 02.2000 on 05.2000 g - the legal adviser, "Legal Advice Bureaus and Services" Private firm, Kharkiv;
With 05.2000 on 10.2000 g - the associate director according to legal issues, Prostor Limited liability company, Kharkiv
With 05.2001 on 07.2001 g - the acting head of legal department, Avtoalyans-the XXI Century Open joint stock company, Kiev;
With 07.2001 on 03.2002 g - the head of legal department, Avtoalyans-the XXI Century Open joint stock company, Kiev;
With 03.2002 on 05.2002 g - the associate director according to legal issues, Phoenix, To Limited liability company, Kiev;
With 12.2004 on 02.2005 g - the head, DSN Concern, Simferopol;
With 02.2005 on 12.2010 g - in combination the chairman of the permanent Crimean arbitration court at DSN Concern, Simferopol;
With 12.2010 on 02.2011 g - the adviser to the director, GP the Radio television transmitting center of the ARC, Simferopol;
With 02.2011 on 04.2011 g - the acting first deputy director, GP the Radio television transmitting center of the ARC, Simferopol;
With 04.2011 on 04.2011 g - the deputy the associate director, GP the Radio television transmitting center of the ARC Simferopol;
With 04.2011 on 05.2011 g - the associate director, GP the Radio television transmitting center of the ARC, Simferopol;
With 05.2011 on 06.2014 g - the director, GP the Radio television transmitting center of the ARC, Simferopol
With 06.2014 on 09.2014 g - the director, the State unitary enterprise "Krymsvyaz" of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol;
With 06.2014 on 12.2015 g - the first deputy minister of information and mass communications of the Republic of Crimea.
2016: Imprisonment
On May 6, 2016 the Central district court of Simferopol sentenced Sergey Dotsenko to 8 months of imprisonment on a charge of corruption. RIA Novosti with reference to the senior assistant of the head of the Crimean management of the IC RF Evgeny Belikov reports about it.
According to the investigation, fall of 2015 Sergey Dotsenko being the first deputy minister of domestic policy, information and communications of the Crimea SUE RK Crimeatechnologies which did not need this equipment organized sale of the household car trailer belonging to it to jurisdictional enterprise.
Purchase on disadvantageous conditions of unnecessary property which was not actually delivered entailed illegal withdrawal from turnover of the enterprise of 245 thousand rubles. The scheme was implemented by means of the former CEO SUE Crimeatechnologies of Herman Filimonov.
Sergey Dotsenko was found guilty of commission of the crime provided by Part 3 of Article 33 of Part 1 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("The organization of use by the official of the office powers contrary to the interests of service").
The central district court of Simferopol was sentenced by Dotsenko to 8 months of standard regime penal colony. As the ex-deputy minister of the Crimea was taken into custody on November 6, 2015, he should spend behind bars two months.
Also Dotsenko and Filimonov will have to indemnify loss to Crimeatechnologies in 245 thousand rubles. Besides, Herman Filimonov is fined 80 thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to hold executive positions in structures with the state participation within 3 years.
Both defendants completely admitted the guilt and regretted deeds that played in quality of an attenuating circumstance at adjudgement.[1]
- Award "Business Glory" (12/22/2012),
- Distinction "Leader of economy of Ukraine" (9/10/2012),
- Award "Leader of Economy of Ukraine" (10/10/2012),
- Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" (12/26/2012),
- Honorary title "Head of year 2012" (12/26/2012),
- Honorary title "Head of year 2013",
- Award "Recognition of the Fatherland" (12/19/2013).
The official biography on the website of the government