Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Egorov Yaroslav Aleksandrovich
Egorov Yaroslav Aleksandrovich


Is the person who is responsible for informatization of the region.


  • 1994, Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, specialty "Microelectronics and Semiconductor Devices", qualification "Engineer-physicist, researcher";

  • 2004, Institute of economy and business of the Ulyanovsk state university, specialty "Management of the Organization", qualification Manager

Advanced training:

  • 2008, the State university – Higher School of Economics, Moscow

  • 2008, Institute of economy and business of the Ulyanovsk state university


  • 02.1993−08.1994 − Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mars scientific and production association. Technician, design engineer;
  • 08.1994−12.1994 − Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Ulyanovsk, the technician of the I category of data processing center;
  • 12.1994−11.1995 − the Body 6681, the shooter, the senior clerk of the I battalion of operational purpose of the 638th regiment of internal troops, Kaluga, service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • 12.1995−02.1997 − Clinic No. 1 of S.M. Kirov, programmer of department of automated control systems;
  • 02.1997−04.2000 − Regional methodical information and analytical center, head of the technical department;
  • 04.2000−04.2001 − Public scientific institution "Middle Volga Scientific Center", manager of training programs;
  • 05.2001−09.2002 − Department of administration of the Ulyanovsk region on economy, the chief specialist of the sector of social processes of expert and analytical department;
  • 09.2002−12.2005 − JSC Ulyanovskmolprom, chief economist;
  • 12.2005−02.2007 − Ulyanovsk regional branch of JSC "Rosselkhozbank", supply manager;
  • 05.2007−12.2007 − Ulyanovsk-elements LLC, the associate director on supply;
  • 12.2007−02.2008 − Administration of the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region, chief specialist of organizational and legal management;
  • 02.2008−01.2009 − Department of information technologies of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, consultant of expert analysis department of management of strategic development;
  • 01.2009−04.2009 − Department of information technologies of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, consultant of department of state policy;
  • 04.2009−03.2011 − Department of information technologies of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region, head of department of administrative reform;
  • with 03.2011− Ministry of information technologies of the Ulyanovsk region, director of the department of state regulation
  • from 1/9/2013 - the Ministry of the Ulyanovsk region of information technology development and electronic democracy, the deputy minister



It agrees to the data on the income of officials which are officially published on the website of the government of the region, in 2013 Yaroslav Aleksandrovich's income was 953 thousand rubles, spouses - 118 thousand rubles. The land plot of 1253 sq.m., the apartment house, the apartment the area of which of 28.09 sq.m., a share in the apartment of 44.59 sq.m. and the VAZ-21104 car is owned by the official. In the property of the spouse - a share in the apartment of 75.2 sq.m.


The official biography on the website of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region

See Also

Chief information officers of Russian regions