Was born on July 6, 1948 in Kaliningrad. Graduated with honors from the Frunze Polytechnical Institute (FPI) in 1971 in "Automatic equipment and telemechanics". Candidate of Technical Sciences (an engineering cybernetics and an information theory) - 1984. (Institute of AN automatic equipment of the Kyrgyz SSR of Frunze). The associate professor on department of automatic control (1991). The Doctor of Engineering (management in the technical systems) - 1994. (Institute of automatic equipment and management processes of the FEB RAS, Vladivostok). Professor of department of automated information processing systems and management (1995). Honorary worker of higher education of the Russian Federation (2001) 1971-1992 - the assistant, the teacher, the senior teacher and the associate professor of FPI; 1992-1993 - the chief specialist of department of information technologies of State commission of emergency of the Republic Kyrgyzstan; 1993-2009 - the associate professor, professor, the head of the department and the dean of the Amur state university. Since 2009 - the vice rector of TOGU for scientific work and informatization. The Chief Editor of the magazine - "Information Science and Management Systems", entering the VAK Russian Federation List. Member of dissertation councils: DM 212.294.05 and DM 212.092.04. Member correspondent of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of A.M. Prokhorov. Scientific specialization: synthesis of automatic control systems in the conditions of the aprioristic uncertainty; analysis of mathematical and computer models of physical and technology entities; systems analysis in problems of medical diagnostics. Author of 345 scientific and educational and methodical works, including 7 monographs and 50 inventions; prepared 9 candidates of science.