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Form Vladimir Davydovich
Form Vladimir Davydovich

Professor, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences the Form Vladimir Davydovich is the director of FGBNU "Institute of Technology of supersolid and new carbon materials". More than 30 years are engaged in scientific activity: from 1974 to 1994 in the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1994 till present in the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

According to the offer Blanca V. D., for the purpose of development of the priority directions of research works in the field of creation of technologies of receiving supersolid materials and production on their basis of products of new generation, in 1995 the Order of the Minister of science created Supersolid Materials Scientific and technological center which in 1998 received the status of "Institute of Technology of Supersolid and New Carbon Materials" federal state institution.

Now the institute takes the leading positions not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the world in such key areas of development of technologies as supersolid and new carbon materials and nanomaterials.

Based on the technologies of synthesis of powders of diamond and creation of the tool developed at institute under the direction of Blanca V. D. on their basis, in 2002-2003 the Elbor-Abraziv LLC plant to Borovichi of the Novgorod region with a production volume over 15.0 million carat of diamonds a year was created. It considerably reduced dependence of Russia on deliveries from abroad after the collapse of the USSR and also provided export of a diamond tool to Austria, Great Britain, Germany, etc.

In 2003-2004, by request of JSC ALROSA and JSC Kristall, Smolensk, under the direction of Blanca V. D. the laser technology of drawing protective tags on the Russian diamonds was developed and successfully implemented that provides reliable protection of the Russian products in the international and domestic market.

Along with works for an economic complex in recent years scientific and technology work on creation of new materials and products on their basis for the benefit of the Russian Defense Ministry successfully develops.

The institute carries out the large volume of works in 2003 - 2005 for the benefit of Gokhran of Russia and the Federal Customs Service for the purpose of ensuring control of turnover of gemstones. Under the scientific management Blanca V. D. new control methods and certifications of natural and synthetic diamonds and products on their basis are created.

Scientific activity of V. D. Blanca allowed to create a number of the new directions providing development of essentially new materials and gained world recognition. The experimental works on phase transitions in the conditions of plastic deformation with high pressures performed under the scientific management Blanca V. D. in 1993 got the first award on physics of high pressures of the European physical society for young scientists.

The form of EL - the author of creation of new ultrasolid materials from C60 fullerene. Hardness of the received materials in some cases exceeds the hardness of diamond. For the first time the mechanism which is responsible for such properties, namely, the mechanism of formation of carbon nanoclusters with an original combination of sp3 and sp2 of communications was found in the world. It opens the new scientific and technology direction - synthesis of nanocluster materials in the conditions of high pressures and temperatures. The institute received for these works in 2000-2004 gold and silver medals and diplomas at the international exhibitions of inventions and innovations in Paris, Brussels, Nuremberg and Geneva. These works allowed to carry out successfully technology and experimental works in the field of nanotechnologies.

Under the scientific management Blanca V. D. in FGBNU TISNUM the probe microscope of NanoScan with a tough kantilever and the probe from ultrafirm fullerit and the synthetic alloyed diamonds is for the first time designed. The area of the studied and processed materials allows to expand original techniques and software up to such superfirm as diamond that is essentially important for it the direction as researches and processing which is intensively developing now on a nanolevel. The devices manufactured for the last five years are used in 12 leading scientific centers of Russia and successfully exported.

During the period from 2001 to 2005 at institute a number of scientific achievements of world level is received that provides a priority of the Russian Federation in the major technology directions, including on synthesis of high-net, semiconductor and polylayer monocrystals of diamond which have no natural analogs.

The work which is carried out by institute under the direction of Blanca V. D. on development of scientific and technology base of high pressures developed into creation of such devices as devices of volume pressure up to 15 HPA; devices of extreme pressures are higher than 200 HPA with a temperature up to 1500 °C; devices of high gas pressures (up to 2.0 HPA and temperatures up to 1700 °C) for work in the different atmospheres. All of them are at the level of the best world samples.

The form of EL plays a key role in maintenance of capacity of Russia in the field of new carbon and supersolid materials. It is elected the chairman of the board of the Moscow regional carbon society; the secretary general of the All-Russian carbon society which integrates the leading specialists and scientists working in the most important industries of the national economy. He was a cochairman of three All-Russian conferences with the general subject "Carbon: fundamental problems of science, materials science, technology"; organizer of 5 international exhibitions "New carbon and supersolid materials. The tool on their basis". Now V. D. The form - the member of editorial board of the Sverkhtverdye Materialy magazine; the member of the American Physical society, the member of Interdepartmental council on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Published 82 scientific articles, about 70 theses of reports of the international conferences, took out 7 patents.

The form of EL is a lot of forces and time gives to training of young scientists and specialists. Under its management for the last 5 years are protected: 1 doctor's and 6 master's theses, 10 theses. Since 2003 he is professor of department of materials science of semiconductors of the Moscow institute of steel and alloys. Annually to FGBN TISNUM is replenished with 2-3 young specialists. The form of EL carries out a lot of work on provision of housing for young young scientists and specialists within the federal target program "Dwelling".

The V.D form takes active part in public life of the city. From 1990 to 2000 he was three times elected the deputy of Legislative assembly of the city of Troitsk, during the period from 1996 to 2000 was its chairman. With its active participation the existing charter of the city of Troitsk where the principle of separation of the authorities is established was drafted. In 2005 he was elected in Council of deputies of Troitsk of the Moscow region again and now heads it as the Chairman on a voluntary basis. Actively helps workers of the budget sphere: to teachers, doctors, employees of militia. Holds deserved authority and respect in collective and scientific community. The veteran of work, is awarded with a medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow", was repeatedly awarded with certificates of honor, it was noted by thanks.

For a big contribution to development of researches and creation of modern technologies in the field of supersolid and new carbon materials TISNUM it is awarded with the certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the Form of EL – the breastplate "The honorary worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation" and is recommended for the state decoration the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree.