Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Gladenko Alexey Anatolyevich
Gladenko Alexey Anatolyevich


Was born on June 29, 1961 in Kiselyovsk of the Kemerovo region.


In 1983 the mechanical engineer in "The cryogenic equipment" graduated from the Omsk polytechnical institute.


From 1984 to 2002 – worked and taught at the Omsk state technical university in positions: engineer, senior research associate, head of the department.

In 1989 the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences is awarded.

In 1996 the academic degree the Doctor of Engineering is awarded.

In 1997 the Highest certifying commission of the Russian Federation gives an academic status of professor.

About 2002-2003 worked in the system of JSC Transibneft in JSC Severnye magistralnye nefteprovody.

2004 - 2005 – the lead engineer of JSC Transibneft.

2005-2009 – the head of the technical department of JSC Sibnefteprovod.

From 2009 to 2012 – the associate director of Giprotruboprovod branch of JSC - Omskgiprotruboprovod.

By the order of the Governor of the Omsk region V.I. Nazarov since August 20, 2012 it is appointed to the position of the Minister of industrial policy, communication and the innovative technologies of the Omsk region. For November, 2014 did not occupy the specified post.

According to the Decree of the Governor of the Omsk region of 9/6/2013 No. 123 the Ministry of industrial policy, communication and the innovative technologies of the Omsk region is renamed into Head department of information technologies and communications of the Omsk region. 21.11.2013


Governments of the Omsk region

See Also

Chief information officers of Russian regions