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Greeks Igor Mikhailovich
Greeks Igor Mikhailovich


2024: Guilty plea to corruption in procurement of medical equipment

Former Deputy Governor of the Ryazan Region Igor Grekov pleaded guilty to corruption crimes related to fraud in the purchase of medical equipment. This became known in August 2024. As a result of the investigation, it was found that Grekov, being as vice-governor, received bribes from representatives of commercial structures in exchange for assistance in concluding state contracts.

According to TASS, businessman Artem Negov and former senator from the Ryazan region Irina Petina participated in the criminal scheme together with Grekov. Negov, having entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement, gave testimony incriminating other members of the criminal group. Petina also pleaded guilty and is cooperating with the investigation, assuring that she will not impede the investigation.

According to the investigating authorities, from 2018 to 2021, Igor Grekov received significant amounts from the heads of commercial organizations, providing them with the opportunity to conclude profitable contracts for the supply of medical equipment for the needs of the region. During the investigative actions, it was established that the amount of bribes received by Grekov was tens of millions of rubles. Petina, who previously served as Deputy Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region, also received large bribes for similar assistance in concluding contracts, the agency said in a publication.

Artem Negov, who held one of the key positions in this corruption scheme, pleaded guilty to bribing members of the procurement commission and entered into a pre-trial cooperation agreement. As part of this agreement, he testified, which confirmed the receipt of two especially large bribes by Petina and Grekov. As a result of cooperation with the investigation, Negov was released from the pre-trial detention center under the ban of certain actions.

According to the case file, among the main defendants are also the director of Farmvest, Gleb Kondratyev, and his mother, Lyudmila Kondratyeva, who led Pharm Plus. They transferred more than ₽35 million to Irina Petina in exchange for concluding contracts. Despite the arrest of Gleb Kondratyev, his companies continued to receive government contracts worth tens of millions of rubles.[1]
