Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Irlitsa Leonid Aleksandrovich


Previous jobs:
Atomflot, FSUE


Irlitsa Leonid Aleksandrovich
Irlitsa Leonid Aleksandrovich


Leonid Irlitsa has a higher education in the specialty "Navigation" with the qualification - "engineer-boatmaster."



In 1992, he began working in the Murmansk Shipping Company as a sailor.

In 1994, he was transferred to the nuclear icebreaker Vaigach as the 4th assistant captain, where he built a naval career. On June 1, 2015, Leonid Irlitsa was appointed captain of the nuclear icebreaker Vaigach.


In July 2018, he was transferred to the Office of the General Director as an adviser to FSUE Atomflot. He oversaw the creation of the Automated Control System of the Naval Operations Headquarters.


On September 2, 2019, he was appointed First Deputy General Director of FSUE Atomflot. Since April 1, 2022 - Acting General Director of FSUE Atomflot.

= = = * 2023: Appointment as CEO of Atomflot

On July 4, 2023, Leonid Irlitsa, who previously held the positions of First Deputy General Director and Director for Shipping at this Rosatom enterprise, was appointed General Director of FSUE Atomflot.

Irlitsa served as the head of Atomflot after his dismissal of his own free will from the post of general director Mustafa Kashka (by the beginning of July 2023, he holds the post of general director of the sea cargo company SesEm LLC near Moscow).

FSUE Atomflot is an enterprise whose duties include the operation and maintenance of the nuclear civilian icebreaker fleet of Russia for the economic development of the Northern Sea Route, begun by the Soviet Union. The base of ships is located in the city of Murmansk.[1]
