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Johnathan Ayv (Jonathan Ive)



Johnathan Ayv (Jonathan Ive)
Johnathan Ayv (Jonathan Ive)

British designer, senior vice president for industrial design of Apple company. It is considered one of key staff of Apple — in one corporation of the world designers never had such influence.


Was born in 1967 in London, Great Britain.


In 1985 Jonathan Ive graduated from the Northumbrian university, having gained the diploma of the specialist in the field of industrial design.


After the termination of the university got a job in Tangerine Design company where was engaged in design of hairbrushes and plumbing fixtures. In 1989 Ayv became the co-owner of this company.

In 1992 Jonah Ayva invited to work in Apple in this connection he moved to San Francisco.

In 5 years, the company was left by Robert Brunner, the former vice president of Apple for industrial design. He recommended to Steve Jobs to employ Jonathan Ive on the place. In 1997 Ive became the vice president of industrial design of Apple instead of Brunner.

In 1998 provided original iMac.

In 1999 provided iBook Apple, 22" to Cinema Display, PowerMac G4 Tower and iSub.

Jony Ive and Steve Jobs

In 2000 started G4 Cube Apple.

In 2001 Apple provided titanic PowerBook G4 and a portable iPod MP3 player.

In 2002 started new iMacs with 15" and 17" displays on hinges. The provided eMac, the version of iMac which is specially developed for use in the field of education.

In 2003 represents 12" to PowerBook and 17" PowerBook, the 1 inch thick and weighing 6.8 pounds, easiest and thin notebook in the world at that time.

In 2004 represents iPod mini and ultra thin iMac G5.

In 2005 it is appointed the senior vice president for industrial design of Apple Inc corporation. Provided Mac mini.

In 2007 Provided the new iPod nano device which in addition to audio plays video and also iPod touch and the iPhone smartphone with the touch screen.

In 2008 developed design of one of the main characters for the animated film Wall-E ("Vall-I") of Pixar studio Ayv — Eve's robotessa.

In 2010 provided tablet computer Apple iPad.

Awards and titles

In 2000 Received degree of the honourable doctor at the University of Northumbria (Newcastle upon Tyne).

In 2005 it was awarded ranks of the Commodore of the British Empire (CBE).

In 2006 it is awarded by the queen Elizabeth ІІ a title of the Commodore of the Order of the British Empire.

In 2007 No. 33 in TOP49 of men is recognized by AskMen publishing house.

On May 23, 2012 it was devoted in knights of the British Empire.


Since 1987 he is married on In 1987 married Heather Pegg. Father of two twin sons.



"When something works, and works intuitively, it also is beauty" — from Telegraph interview.

"It is pleasant to count our income, however our purpose — at all not to earn money. Sounds defiantly, but it is the truth. In fact our purpose and our passion — creation of remarkable products. The successful product means recognition, and the technical competence means commercial success" - from a performance at the summit British Embassy's Creative Summit.

"We try to do products which to some extent seem inevitable. Which leave in you feeling of as if this only possible and correct solution" — from Telegraph interview.

"We always thought of design as about something bigger, than just appearance something. It is all about how something works at different levels. Eventually, certainly, the design defines the most part of our feelings" — from WWDC 2013 presentation at the conference.

"The memory of our work will endure products of our work" — from Design Museum interview.

"Without test of a set of the ideas and many failures it is impossible to learn something" — from an interview for Telegraph.

Books about Jonathan Ive

In 2013 Mack journalist, the editor of Wired and the owner of the website Leander Kahney published the book about Jonathan Ive in which showed a way of its formation from the student of the British school of arts to one of the most famous and influential designers in the world. The book represents the research based on an interview with Ive's colleagues and own acquaintance of the author to Apple world. In August, 2014 the "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" publishing house translated and published the book "Jony Ive. The legendary designer of Apple" in Russian.

Fragments from the book

Vividly was interested in already little boy Johnie in how everything works. He was admired by the device of things, he disassembled radio receivers and  tape recorders, intrigued him as they are made as  parts approach to each other. But  when he tried to collect everything back, it turned out  not always. "I was always interested in the objects made by the person  — he remembered in   2003 in  an interview in  the London museum of design.  — In  the childhood I  sorted everything  what could reach. So my interest in  how these things are made as work, in  a form and  material developed.

Johnie's works and  his drawings were great: teachers say that they never saw it at  other pupils of his age. In  seventeen years it often created projects which could be put in  production. "Its graphics was brilliant  — Dave Uayting, says several years the design and  technology teaching to Johnie.  — It did drawings by white and  black strokes on  a brown kraft paper  — very effective, new method. At  it were innovative, fresh, the interesting ideas,  it also represented them not as the others.

Approximately  at the same time Johnie opened in  himself one more strong passion  — Apple. All school days he was not interested in computers at all. Convinced of  the technical helplessness, he felt despair because computers inevitably entered  many areas of life, and  this trend gained steam.

Shortly before  the termination of college of Johnie saw the Macintosh computer. First of all struck Johnie, it was how simpler  to use him  in comparison with  those machines  that met to it earlier. Care of developers of this machine of  integrity of perception by the user struck the Quince. He felt communication with  it and, what is even more important,  with  soul of this company at once. Then he for the first time felt humanity of a product.

"It was such concerning moment, and  I  remember it still distinctly  — he says.  — I  really understood people who made it. I began to learn more about  Apple, about  origin of the company, values, structure. And  the I  learned about  this impudent, even rebellious company more, the more it attracted me because they without ceremonies showed an alternative of this self-satisfied creatively empty industry. Apple upheld something, and  the sense of its existence did not come down to  earning money"

When Jobs at last visited Apple design studio, he was dumbfounded by creativity and  determination. The premises were filled with bright models which the previous shy leaders did not even consider seriously. Jobs could not but notice the machine with  the numerical control (NC)  and also the young team working at  a CAD. It immediately like communication with  quiet Johnie who will tell later that they with  Jobs  were in accord at once.

"We discussed approaches to  a form and  material  — he remembered  — were on  a wave. Suddenly I  understood why I once fell in love with this company".

Jobs decided not to touch department and  to leave Johnie the head. At first he appointed the chief of John Rubenstein who was responsible for  "iron". Afterwards the department of design will become independent division. Johnie reported to Rubenstein, and  had dinner with  Jobs. The last  at the end of the day often dropped into  studio on  Velli-grin.

"It constantly to  us came  — says the former employee of department.  —  Generally to meet  Johnie, well and  just to look how there are affairs".

Being engaged in design of iPad, Johnie's team at the same time completed the work on the second generation of iPhone. The model  of 2008 went on  sale under the name iPhone 3G to emphasize compatibility with  new mobile 3G-networks. The aluminum back wall was replaced with strong polycarbonate plastic. It is no wonder that  two parallel projects had many general elements and  iPad received a polycarbonate back wall of black and  white colors. The frame from  stainless steel connected a panel to  the screen.

It would seem, the design which suited all is found. But  problems on  production forced Johnie to change everything. The plastic back wall of iPhone 3G looked simply, but  it was extremely difficult in  production. In  iPad designers wanted to use its analog from  strong mix of polycarbonate and  an akrilonitrilbutadiyenstirol, but  met  even great difficulties. iPad was more, and  after an exit from  a molding form the part  contracted and deformed. To stop compression  at the edges, 299 it cast with  a stock, and  then mechanically processed to  the necessary sizes.

Several months before Johnie laid out  all parts of MacBook Pro on a big demonstration table of studio. On  the next table it sorted one of  new MacBook, made on  Unibody technology. Accurately spread out parts of the old computer occupied almost all table. Thereby it lost to not numerous parts of the second machine. Johnie called designers that they estimated a difference.

Johnie always aims  to simplify and remove superfluous. Having reduced quantity of parts, you reduce number of connections between them. Designers disassembled the first iPhone and  counted nearly thirty common ground. After implementation of Unibody technology their number was reduced to  five.