Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Kambolov Marat Arkadyevich
Kambolov Marat Arkadyevich


Kambolov Marat Arkadevich was born on January 2, 1965 in the village of Haznidon of Irafsky district North Ossetian the ASSR.

1988 - graduated from Mountain agricultural institute (now - the Gorsky State Agrarian University (GSAU)).

1994 - graduated from Academy of management under the President of the Russian Federation.

1996 - graduated from Academy of National Economy at the Government of the Russian Federation.

1998 - graduated from the Moscow state social university majoring in Law.

2005 - graduated from the Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation in Public administration[1]

Candidate of Law Sciences.

Thesis: "Administrative legal regulation of scientific and technical and innovation activity in the Russian Federation"[2].

1987 - - worked with 1990 in All-Union Leninist Young Communist League elected bodies.

1990 - 1991 - the CEO of the city Center of business cooperation.

1991 - 1994 - the chief specialist of the State committee of the Russian Federation on the antimonopoly policy.

1994 - 1997 - held positions of the head of department, Head of Department of the Ministry of affairs of nationalities and to the federal relations of the Russian Federation.

1997 - 2003 - the deputy, the first deputy director of Institute of the people of Russia at the Ministry of affairs of nationalities and the federal relations of the Russian Federation.

2003 - 2004 - the adviser to the minister of the industry, science and technologies of the Russian Federation.

2004 - 2005 - the adviser to the head of the Federal agency for science and innovations.

2005: Deputy administrator of FANI

On June 24, 2005 - it is appointed the deputy manager of the Federal agency on science and innovations.

In Rosnauka conducted questions:

  • development of the innovation activity;
  • organizational mechanisms of the innovation activity;
  • supports of the public contracts carried to conducting the supervised managements;
  • information infrastructure (including local computer network and website of the Agency);
  • intellectual property;
  • regional and international innovation cooperation;
  • information technologies of the scientific and technical and innovation sphere;
  • exemptions from the customs duties of the imported scientific equipment;
  • the owner's powers concerning the federal property necessary for implementation (execution) of functions of the Agency in the field of scientific, scientific and technical and innovation activity;
  • managements of the state property transferred to federal state unitary
  • to the enterprises (further – the enterprises) and to organizations of a scientific and technical and innovation field of activity;
  • analysis of activity of the enterprises and organizations subordinated to the Agency;
  • carrying out in the organizations of checks of financial and economic activity and use of a property complex subordinated to the Agency;
  • structural and institutional conversions, including reforming of the organizations of a scientific, scientific and technical and innovation field of activity, including the state scientific centers of the Russian Federation as one of segments of public sector of science;
  • public administration by use of atomic energy and state regulation of security when using atomic energy;
  • capital investments and logistics;
  • fire safety in the Agency and the organizations subordinated to the Agency;
  • approves economic indicators of activity of the enterprises and organizations subordinated to the Agency;
  • gives instructions on the questions carried to its maintaining;
  • performs other powers according to official regulations of the deputy manager of the Federal agency on science and innovations;
  • coordinates and controls work: Managements of federal property of the scientific sphere; Managements of the innovative development and infrastructure (regarding the questions which are under authority of the deputy manager of the federal agency Kambolov M.A.).

August, 2010 - it is appointed to the position of the director of the department of investment development and federal property of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

2010: Appointment as the Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

On November 12, 2010 - the order of the Russian Prime Minister it is appointed the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation[3].

Job responsibilities:

  • development and implementation of state policy in the field of management of federal property of the organizations of science and education;

  • control of investment planning and development;

  • coordination of federal targeted investment program in the field of science and education;

  • providing and implementation of the HR policy concerning leadership team of the subordinated organizations, including certifying commission;

  • the administration and the organization of work of central office of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation[4].

Income in 2010 was 1.749 million rubles. Property:

  • The apartment (individual property) - 166.00 sq.m., Russia[5].

2013: Searches in an office, the witness in the case of a bribe

According to police, in Kambolov's office on March 21, 2013 there passed searches within criminal case concerning the former rector of GUU Victor Kozbanenko accused of taking of a bribe in 7 million rubles. The source in the investigation reported to RIA Novosti earlier that the ex-rector gave evidences on Kambolov, he is connected to the case as the witness. The official was called for questioning in Investigative Committee. In March on the Internet there was information on his possible resignation, but at the end of the month the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov said that the former rector of GUU Kozbanenko just stipulated Kambolov and there are no bases to discharge it of work.

2014: Dismissal from a post of the Deputy Minister of Education

On August 5, 2016 it became known that the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Marat Kambolov who is involved as the witness in the case of a large bribe at the State university of management left the post.

"Dismiss Kambolov Marat Arkadevich of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in connection with a job change", the document says.

Kambolov passed to a position of the first deputy director of the National research center "Kurchatov Institute". The ministry noted that Kambolov's appointment to a new position is caused by his long active work of the direction of safe development of nuclear power engineering. As the deputy minister Kambolov was also engaged in development of the international relations of Russia in the field of educational and sci-tech cooperation[6].

Special rank and membership in the commissions

2007 - The decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1221 of 9/24/2007 appropriates a cool rank of the valid state councilor of the Russian Federation 3 classes[7].

The member of Government Commission on Emergencies Prevention and Relief, and Fire Safety since 2005.

The plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tajikistan (MNITs IF) since 2008.

The member of the commission under the President of the Russian Federation on counteraction to attempts of falsification of history to the detriment of the interests of Russia since 2009.

Member of the interdepartmental commission on protection of the state secret.

The member of the commission under the President of the Russian Federation concerning reforming and development of public service.

The member of the commission at the President of the Russian Federation on the state awards.

Interesting Facts

2009 - constructed a new sports complex in the village of Haznidon.

On its means the memorial complex to the fellows villager and fighters of the 2nd Guards army who fell for Haznidon's release in 1942[8] was also restored].

March, 2009 - headed the Russian delegation on CeBIT - the largest exhibition on information and telecommunication technologies, Hanover[9].


  • 2012 - nagrzhaden the Order of Friendship[10].

  • 2012 - it is awarded with the Medal In Slava of Ossetia.

Marital Status

He is married, four children[11].
