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Hotimsky Sergey Vladimirovich
Hotimsky Sergey Vladimirovich

Khotimsky Sergey Vladimirovich, co-owner, first deputy chairman of the board of PJSC Sovcombank.


Sergey Vladimirovich Khotimsky was born on April 12, 1978 in Moscow. In 1999 he graduated from the International University in Moscow (MUM) with a degree in jurisprudence.

Before joining the financial sphere, Sergey Khotimsky participated in the creation of several iconic feature films for Russian cinema. From 2001 to 2005, Sergey Khotimsky produced the legendary film of the Polygon studio - DMB, as well as the sequels to the film and the series based on the film.

Sergei Khotimsky came to the banking business in 2001, acquiring together with Mikhail Klyukin and partners Buikombank, a small regional bank from the Kostroma region, which later received a new name - Sovcombank.

As of May 2018, Sergei Khotimsky and his brother Dmitry Khotimsky own more than 30% of the shares in the company that controls 100% of Sovcombank, and Sergey himself takes an active part in the management of the bank as First Deputy Chairman of the Board. Sergey Khotimsky is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Sovcombank PJSC.

Since the purchase of Buikombank in 2001 by April 2018, the bank's assets and capital have grown several hundred thousand times, and the bank itself has entered the twenty largest banks in terms of assets and the three largest Russian private banks. Market participants and analysts associate the phenomenal successes of Sovcombank, primarily with the managerial genius of Sergei Khotimsky and the financial flair of his brother Dmitry.

"The point is that we make the right decisions quickly. Good decisions are based on knowledge. On a very deep understanding, be it industry, macroeconomics or regulation. We had a happy bond - key shareholders are managers involved in the daily work of the bank. My brother Dmitry Khotimsky deals with our corporate risks, I am responsible for retail risk. Together, I believe, we are quite qualified in macroeconomics, which always affects the banking business very much, "said Sergey Khotimsky in an interview with Expert magazine.

Another important factor in the success of Sovcombank was its bet on working with the segment of elderly customers, which before Sovcombank no other bank perceived as the target audience of classic banking products.

"Over time, it turned out that pensioners are good and faithful customers. They know how to save money, carry it to the bank, they have disposable income that they can spend on paying interest on the loan, "Sergey Khotimsky argued in a conversation with RBC in 2016

Practice has shown that retiree borrowers are much more responsible for servicing their loans, much less likely to allow insolvency and delay, and sometimes even more solvent customers than able-bodied young customers. According to Sergei Khotimsky, it was this circumstance that allowed the bank not to go into a loss on the retail loan portfolio in the crisis of 2014-2015.

Over time, Sergey Khotimsky's Sovcombank ceased to be exclusively a retail bank that issued tax-free loans to pensioners. Since 2015, the bank has undergone a fundamental transformation and has developed the direction of corporate investment business, collateral lending (mortgages and car loans). As of April 2018, Sovcombank ranks 4th among the largest investment banks in terms of the organization of bond issues in the Russian market and is the largest private bank in this segment.

Sovcombank is also one of the leaders in the car loan market, ranking 4th in the ranking of the portal Банки.ру in terms of the volume of the car loan portfolio in 2017 and being the largest private bank in this market. The bank is one of the top 20 largest banks (11th place) in the mortgage lending market in terms of the volume of mortgage loans issued in 2017 according to the analytical agency Rusipotek.

2022: Falling under US sanctions

In March 2022, the founders of Sovcombank brothers Sergey and Dmitry Khotimsky, as well as bank shareholders Mikhail Kuchment, Dmitry Gusev and Alexei Panferov fell under US sanctions.

Charitable Foundation

Sergey Khotimsky is also the founder of the Future Now charity foundation. By 2018, the fund initiated a project to support and social care for orphans and families taking them up. Thanks to active cooperation with the administration of the Kostroma region over the previous few years, the number of orphans and children left without parental care in need of family arrangements has decreased by more than 2 times. The amount of funding by the fund of this social program "I want to go home" amounted to more than 100 million rubles.


Sergey Khotimsky is a keen cane collector. His collection for 2018 is one of the richest in Russia.


Sergey Khotimsky is married, raising two daughters (2018).