Kostroma Anna Sergeyevna
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February 2, 1975.
1997: IGASA
In 1997 the engineer-economist graduated from the Ivanovo state architectural and construction academy (in 2012 the university was a part of the Ivanovo state polytechnical university).
Additional professional education
- 2006 there is a "Order of Formation by Credit Institutions of a Reserve on Possible Losses" program;
- 2007 there is a Visa First program;
- 2008 there is an IFRS Bases program.
1997: KIB "Evroalyans"
In Evroalyans bank works since 1997.
From 8/1/2005 to 12/31/2005 - the head of department of marketing of department of treasury of JSC KIB Evroalyans.
From 1/1/2006 to 10/9/2012 the director of the department of treasury of JSC KIB Evroalyans held a position.
2012: Vice chairman of the board
Since 10/9/2012 is the vice chairman of the board of JSC KIB Evroalyans.