Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
  • Equipment and materials engineer,
  • Head of the technical department,
  • Head of department of information modeling, assistant chief engineer

At a position of the engineer on the equipment and materials was engaged in selection and design of the climatic equipment. (Conditioning). After position assignment of the head of technical department, performed the general management of department, in subordination service of archive and compliance assessment, a project office, service CAD and IT. Participated in programs and projects for development of design institute. Implementation and audit of a quality management system. Creation of a common information space of the organization. Implementation and support of a corporate portal 1C: Bitrix. Leadership in automation of development of the project and work documentation of objects. Providing planned quality level of products. Since 2015 actively I direct the project of mastering and implementation of technology of information modeling of BIM.

Drawing up and approval of specifications on construction design and engineering support of a designed project. Preparation of a necessary set of the project documentation and results of engineering researches for delivery in state and non-state examination as in a paper and electronic form. Maintenance of the Customer in examination. Preparation of justifications or search of new project solutions when passing examination. Calculation and estimating on PIR.

  • February, 2000 — December, 2004 the CEO

Development of the staff list, set of employees, organization of accounting and document flow. Performed the general management of firm. Automated management accounting. Within the activity developed the business plan of the organization, organized work of all main divisions, developed strategy and organization mission, the corporate style of the company. Participated in development and deployment of the tools promoting increase in employee performance of departments. Business described processes, revealed and entered key performance indicators. Took active part in work of marketing department: identification of target audience, market segmentation, marketing strategy of the company, marketing communications. Personal active sellings, negotiations with VIP clients, with suppliers. Establishing contacts with third parties. Experience of participation in industry and regional shows.

  • February, 1998 — February, 2000 2 years 1 months. Industrial equipment, equipment, machines and component parts. Commercial director

Carried out market research, monitoring of equipment suppliers and raw materials, the organization of work on involvement of customers. Engineering. Participated in negotiations with suppliers, planned sales of products. Conducted collection of information from different sources about market situation and activity of competitors. Was engaged in personnel training, problem definition and control of their accomplishment.