Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Kravchuk Sergey Vladimirovich
Kravchuk Sergey Vladimirovich


Was born in 1972 in the settlement May Day Korkinsky district.

1989 - srednya school No. 28 of the settlement May Day.


1994 - 2000 - correspondence department of SUSU in "Economy and management in construction"


1989 - mechanic's pupil, Korkinsky plant of asbestos-cement products

1994 - 1997 - supply economist, Uraltsement plant. In parallel studied on correspondence department of SUSU in "Economy and management in construction".

1997 - 2002 - director of production, Uralenergoprom (Chelyabinsk)

2002 - became a shareholder, "the Nyazepetrovsky kranostroitelny plant" (the city of Nyazepetrovsk of Chelyabinsk region).

2002 - 2006 - resuscitation of the Nyazepetrovsky Kranostroitelny Plant enterprise

2006 - left a shareholding structure of "the Nyazepetrovsky kranostroitelny plant", created the Uralkran industrial company. Specialization of the company – production of bridge cranes.

For July 26, 2013 works as the CEO of Uralkran LLC

In 2014 Person of Year was entitled.

Political, civic engagement

2004 - began public work, a district Meeting of deputies.

2010 - created social movement "NATIVE AREA" (Korkinsky, Etkulsky and October areas)

Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk region of the V convocation.