Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Kritsky Sergey Konstantinovich
Kritsky Sergey Konstantinovich


Born in 1957

In 1979 he graduated from the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute named after V.D. Kalmykova (since 2013 - Engineering and Technology Academy of SFU), specialty: "Radio Engineering," qualification: radio engineer.

In 1991 he graduated from the Volga Socio-Political Institute (since 2010 - PIU named after P. A. Stolypin RANEPA), specialty: "Theory of socio-political relations," qualification: political scientist, teacher of socio-political disciplines in higher and secondary educational institutions.

In 2003 he graduated from the International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, specialty: "Jurisprudence," qualification: lawyer.

1999: Director of PKF Strong

From 02.11.1999 to 17.02.2003 - Director of PKF Strong LLC.

2003: Agroincombank

From 17.02.2003 to 29.04.2003, he was a leading marketing specialist at Agroinvestment Commercial Bank OJSC.

From 30.04.2003 to 01.08.2004, he was an assistant to the President-Manager of Agroinvestment Commercial Bank OJSC.

From 02.08.2004 to 15.02.2005 - Chief Specialist of Internal Control of OJSC "Agroinvestment Commercial Bank."

From 16.02.2005 to 25.07.2005 - Head of the Department for Work with the Population of OJSC Agroinvestment Commercial Bank.

2005: EATP Bank

From 18.08.2005 to 16.01.2006, he was the manager of the additional office No. 1 of Euro-Asian Commercial and Industrial Bank OJSC.

From 17.01.2006 to 23.08.2006, he was the manager of the Vostok branch of Euro-Asian Commercial and Industrial Bank OJSC.

Since 23.08.2006 - Member of the Management Board of Euro-Asian Commercial and Industrial Bank OJSC.

Since 23.08.2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Euro-Asian Commercial and Industrial Bank OJSC (since 16.06.2015 - Euro-Asian Torgovo-Industrial Bank JSC).