Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Kruten Anastasia Vladimirovna
Kruten Anastasia Vladimirovna



Graduated from pediatric faculty of the Perm state medical institute in 1987 (afterwards it was renamed into the Perm State medical academy).


Anastasia Vladimirovna Kruten was born in 1964.


After the termination of institute till 2000 worked as the doctor managing department in children's clinical hospital No. 15. Held a post of the chief children's pulmonologist of the city of Perm. In 2000 passed to work in management of health care of city administration of Perm.


In 2011 it is appointed heads of department of health care of city administration of Perm.

In June, 2012 it is appointed to the position of the acting as the Minister of Health of Perm Krai.

In January, 2013 it is appointed the Minister of Health of Perm Krai.

2020: Appointment as the Minister of Health of Perm Krai

On November 16, 2020 Anastasia Kruten was appointed the Minister of Health of Perm Krai instead of Oksana Melekhova who was on this post since November, 2018.

Before becoming the Minister of Health of Perm Krai, Kruten in a position of the chief physician worked in the Perm city clinical hospital of Greenberg.

The political strategist Lyudmila Oznobishina in a conversation with the edition noted that Anastasia Kruten is well familiar with work of medical institutions in the conditions of a pandemic from within as she long time worked as the chief physician of hospital.

She is the system worker, very competent specialist respected in medical community and it is capable to see far forward. Anastasia Vladimirovna can introduce in the Ministry of Health something special as the manager — the Rector of the Perm medical university Irina Koryukina noted.

Change of the head of the Perm Ministry of Health occurred after surge in incidence of COVID-19 in the region. Department recognized "failure of a system" as a result of which terms of waiting of arrival of ambulance crews increased and also queues were formed of "ambulances" before the KT-centers. Then it was decided to change routing of patients with suspicion to COVID-19 and also to increase the number of the managers accepting calls and administrators.[1]
