Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


From December, 2009 to July, 2013 - the director of the Nizhny Novgorod branch "Rostekhinventarization — Federal BTI".

2014: Criminal case

In December, 2014 the investigation department of Investigative Committee of the Nizhny Novgorod Region announced completion of investigation and the beginning of court on case the Arcadia of Malakhov, the ex-director of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostekhinventarization-Federalnoye BTI subordinated to Rosreestr. He is accused of commission of the crime provided by Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (plunder of someone else's property by deception in especially large size – 4 episodes).

According to prosecutors, in 2011-2012 Malakhov concluded with companies "Software POINT of NN" and NRPO of agreements on digitization of technical data sheets within creation of the unified information system of the cadastral registration. Both companies at the same time had one director and were registered to one address, and afterwards stopped the activity in connection with reorganization.

Arkady Malakhov caused to Rosreestr damage for the amount of 56.8 million rubles, the investigation found

Law enforcement agencies claim that Arkady Malakhov, obviously knowing that works on these contracts are actually performed by forces of the employees subordinated to him, repeatedly abducted the money allocated for the specified works.

In particular, according to bodies, for accomplishment of a part of works by own efforts of Rostekhinventarization created the information center of data processing (ICDP) in the structure. At the same time "Software POINT of NN" and NRPO from Rostekhinventarization was listed to 56.8 million rubles established that afterwards these means were withdrawn from checking accounts of the specified organizations and were given the Arcadia to Malakhov.

Having stolen this amount, Malakhov caused to Rosreestr material damage in especially large size, considers charge. For ensuring execution of a sentence regarding the stated civil action and also other property collectings the investigation seized the real estate which is owned by Malakhov namely - the private house, worth 10 million rubles and the land plot under it, worth 2 million rubles, says investigation department.

In the same place it is reported that Arkady Malakhov did not admit the guilt in deeds. After the approval of the indictment criminal case was taken to court for consideration on the merits.