Malkin Vitaly Borisovich (he is Avikhur Bin Bar) is a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Buryatia, the member of council Association of Russian Banks, the vice-chairman of Committee of Council of the Russian Federation for the international affairs, the member of the commission for youth and tourism, the member of the commission on physical culture, sport and development of the Olympic Movement. Former president JSC Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank, main owner JSC Impexbank, co-owner HK "Metalloinvest".
Was born on September 16, 1952 in Pervouralsk of Sverdlovsk region, Russia.
Grew in the Jewish family. The father — Malkin Boris Samoylovich — the associate director of Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant, mother — Pyatigorskaya Marianna Davidovna — the candidate of medical sciences. Since the childhood showed interest in mathematics. Graduated from physical and mathematical lyceum No. 31 in Chelyabinsk with a silver medal, was a winner of the Chess Olympiads.
1969-1975 - The Ural polytechnical institute of S.M. Kirov, physics and technology faculty, ended with honors.
1975-1983 - the graduate student of the Moscow institute of engineers of railway transport (MIIT) at department of physics. Held a position of the vice-chairman of council of young scientists in institute MIITA.
1983 - defended the dissertation on metrology of laser radiation. Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Is fluent in English.
1989: Cooperative for implementation of the computer equipment
till 1989 - worked in scientific research institute of holographic control methods at MIITE as the junior, and then senior research associate. Worked as the vice-chairman of council of young scientists MIITA.
In 1982 when the graduate student V. Malkin earned additionally tutoring, he got acquainted with the graduate student of Scientific Research Institute Truda Bidzina Ivanishvilii in the late eighties friends were engaged in joint business. Partners earned the first money on resale of personal computers. All began with two PCs brought by V. Malkin's acquaintances from abroad.
1989 - created the scientific and technical cooperative "Agroprogress" specializing in implementation of ADP equipment.
Fragment of an interview of the beginning of the 1990th of Vitaly Malkin in Israel: "All of us little by little shook the Soviet system including I... I always wished a victory and Thatcher's success in Great Britain, to Reagan in the USA, to Begin in Israel... Probably, it was the projection of mine and not only my, anti-patriotic relation to our first-ever socialist state. All of us rejoiced when in the USSR something broke. I was always ill against the Soviet athletes, always" (c)[1].
1990: Chairman of Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank
1990 – one of organizers and the chairman of the board of JSC Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank.
since 1994 - the president of JSC Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank.
1995: Vice president of Russian Jewish Congress
1995 - the vice president of Russian Jewish Congress.
In May, 1996 on behalf of presidium of coordination council of "A round table of business of Russia" signed the declaration in support of election of B. Yeltsin as the Russian President for the second term.
1999: Main owner of Impexbank
1999-2000 – at the same time the president, the chairman of the board and the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank. Became the main owner of JSC Impexbank later.
1999 - Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank became the first commercial bank which began to pay money to investors with the purpose to return all ruble deposits and a part currency[2].
Till 2004 - the deputy CEO of JSC Stoilensky Mining and Beneficiation Plant.
2004: The member of the Federation Council from Buryatia
On January 1, 2004 - it is appointed the Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Buryatia.
Registered in Ulan-Ude and pays taxes in Buryatia[3].
Its powers were again confirmed on September 19, 2007, and the term of its powers will come to the end in July, 2012.
Actively supported development and adoption of laws on a problem of the international relations in the Russian Federation[4].
2011: Status assessment in $600 million
Takes the 156th place in the rating of the Russian-language version of Forbes "The richest businessmen of Russia — 2011". Vitaly Malkin's fortune is estimated in 600 million dollars[5].
Among V. Malkin's assets there are shares at this time in:
- financial sphere (JSC Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank, JSC Impexbank),
- metallurgical industry (HK "Metalloinvest").
According to the income statement, in 2011 Malkin gained income in the amount of 1.12 billion rubles. His spouse earned 48.85 million rubles, and the minor son - 1 thousand 147 rubles.
- seasonal dacha (0.6 hectares);
- apartment house (2665.7 sq.m);
- apartment (217.3 sq.m);
- apartment (210.6 sq.m);
- apartment (45.2 sq.m).
- BMW 760Li car;
- BMW 760Li car;
- hydrocycle Bombardier Sea-Doo GTI 4TEC.
2020: The court in France requires to pay $1.7 million taxes for the real estate in Courchevel
The court in France decided to exact from the former senator and a vlalelets of Russian Credit Bank of Vitaly Malkin about $1.7 million tax arrears for the real estate.
The chalet in Courchevel with a market value of $35 million which he purchased through the company in Luxembourg is owned by Malkin. According to local laws, owners of the real estate through the false companies should pay 3% of cost.
Trial between Malkin and the authorities of France lasted more than four years. In 2012 the Luxembourg company Vision Holdings for the first time recognized that Malkin is the owner of all its actions.
Wrote more than forty publications and twenty copyright certificates.
Tennis, swimming, snowboard. Studying of French.
since 1995 - the vice president of Russian Jewish Congress (Non-profit organization the Charitable Foundation, is created in 1996 by an initiative group of the Jewish businessmen, activists of the Jewish organizations and authoritative religious figures for support of revival of the Jewish culture in Russia).
For the purpose of rendering the charitable help and support of socially important projects in the field of education, culture, health care, physical culture and sport in 2004 by Vitaly Malkin founds Charitable foundation of Ayr. During activity by Fund the financial support is given to cultural institutions, health care and education, to orphanages, sports schools and clubs, veterans, needy families for the amount more than 65.0 million rubles[6].
Marital Status
He is married, three children.
- The wife is Natalya Malkina.
- ↑ Senator Malkin: "All of us rejoiced when in the USSR something broke. I was always ill against the Soviet athletes, always"
- ↑ Vitaly Malkin: I will advise anybody to twitch now
- ↑ How many receives the budget of Buryatia from Vitaly Malkin
- ↑ Vitaly Malkin initiated a round table on a problem of the international relations
- ↑ the Richest businessmen of Russia — 2011
- ↑ Vitaly Malkin: "Richness of Buryatia? Baikal and people …"