Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Mammayev Suleyman Nurattinovich
Mammayev Suleyman Nurattinovich

Suleiman Mammaev was born on November 9, 1967 in the village of Kumukh, Lak district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.


In 1984 he graduated from Kumukh secondary school with honors. In the same year he entered the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Institute, which he completed in 1992 with a red diploma with the qualification of a doctor.



In 1990-1992 - honey. brother of the neurological department of the hospital for the disabled of World War II;

In 1992-1994, Mammaev underwent clinical residency in the specialty "therapy";

In 1994-1998 - an intern teacher, and an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 3 of the Dagestan Medical Institute;


In 1998-2001 - doctoral student in the specialty "internal diseases" at the Moscow Medical Academy. I.M. Sechenova;

From 2002 to 2002 - assistant of the Department of Internal Diseases No. 3 of the Dagestan Medical Academy;

From 2002 to 2007 - assistant, associate professor and professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1;


In 2007-2013 - Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Training of the Dagestan State Medical Academy

Since 2016 - Rector of Dagestan Medical University.

2021: House searches in case of employment of "dead souls"

The house of the rector of the Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU) Suleiman Mammaev was searched in a criminal case on the employment of "dead souls." This became known on November 11, 2021.

According to Interfax, citing its informant, Mammaev is suspected of abuse of power. According to the investigation, the rector of the DGMU fictitiously employed his relatives in various positions, while they actually did not work at the university.

According to the interlocutor, by November 11, 2021, a series of new criminal cases is being prepared against the leadership of the DGMU and persons close to Mammaev. It is possible that the rector himself can be involved under the article for organizing a criminal community for fees from students and university employees.[1]
