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Molchanov Andrey Yuryevich
Molchanov Andrey Yuryevich

Andrey Molchanov is the Russian state and political figure, the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council for the Commonwealth of Independent States, the representative in the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from legislature of the government of the Leningrad Region (since December, 2011), the Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on economic policy (since November, 2011)[1], the founder of LSR Group.


Majority shareholder of LSR Group.


Takes the 34th place in the rating of the Russian-language version of Forbes "The richest businessmen of Russia — 2011"[2]. Andrey Molchanov's fortune is estimated in 3.2 billion dollars.



In 1993 graduated from economics department of St. Petersburg State University, in 1998 - the Russian Academy of public service. Doctor of Economics.


During voucher privatization became the co-owner of the Stroydetal plant making reinforced concrete structures.

In 1993-2007 based and headed construction company JSC Gruppa LSR. August, 2006 - March, 2007 - the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Gruppa LSR.

Founded and headed JSC Lenstroyrekonstruktion company.

November, 2003 - November, 2005 - the president of Association of house-builders and producers of construction materials of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Social and political activity

In June, 1994 Democratic Choice of Russia (DCR) participated in creation of the St. Petersburg department of a batch, was a delegate of a constituent congress of DVR in Moscow.

Since September, 2000 - the member of political council of the Volya St. Petersburg organization.

In 2007 - the Assistant Secretary of health care and social development of the Russian Federation Mikhail Zurabov.

Participated in political projects of Sergey Mironov.

Since January, 2008 - the representative in the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from executive body of the government of the Leningrad Region.

Since December, 2011 - the representative in the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from legislature of the government of the Leningrad Region.

Senators of the Russian Federation in Transnistria

In the Bender office of a batch Updating there took place the press conference with participation of the Russian politicians who arrived in Transnistria for support of the candidate for president of the republic Anatoly Kaminsky. The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council for the Commonwealth of Independent States Andrey Molchanov took part in it.


It is awarded with a medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg".


Interesting Facts

In the press the statement meets that Yury Molchanov, the Vice Governor of St. Petersburg (in 1987-95 the vice rector of the Leningrad state university of Zhdanov for international relations, adopted the stepson[3]. After 2006 Andrey Molchanov's press service began to deny the version of adoption: "Andrey Molchanov does not consist related to the vice governor of St. Petersburg Yury Molchanov, in particular is not to his family or the adopted son".
