Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Morris Robert


Morris Robert
Morris Robert

On January 22, 1990 the hearing of the case of Robert Tappan Morris ended. This young man who had uncommon mind and high professionalism in the field of computer technologies created the program ("Worm") capable to be reproduced independently on e-mail servers.

"Worm" literally blocked more than for day thousands of computers of America and "walked" on all planet. The military computer centers and also scientific, educational and commercial structures — all were put out of action that threw programmers in shock.

Panic and bewilderment reigned among system administrators. It happened on "black Thursday" on November 3, 1988. Rescue came from the university of Berkeley which specialists found "antidote", and the code of the program was decompiled.

It is impossible to call a verdict on Morris severe. The court appointed to the author of a virus of 400 hours of social jobs, 10000 dollars of a penalty, a probation period in three years and payment of the expenses connected with observation of the convict. Whereas the financial loss in networks on one struck computer made from 200 to 53,000 dollars.

However this story served as a lesson for creators of computer networks. It set thinking on network security, professionalism and accuracy of system administrators.