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Morse Samuel Finlay Briz



Samuel Finlay Briz Morse (1791-1872), the American artist, the inventor of electromechanical telegraph (1837) for whom developed the special code - the so-called Morse alphabet.

On creation of the telegraph of Morse experience of Shilling "Extraction of sparks from a magnet" inspired - the artist decided that signals can be transmitted on wires using combinations of "sparks". He worked over drawings three years, but did not achieve success. But in two years, in 1837 he showed the invention in New York University, and the signal was sent on a wire of 1700 feet.

In 7 years the first message with the text "Was transferred your affairs, My God are wonderful!". For transfer the key which was invented by the Russian scientist B.S. Jacobi, and for acceptance - an electromagnet which anchor managed movement of an ink feather according to paper was used.

And here at last in 1838 the great Morse alphabet was invented. That alphabet which is used now significantly differs from Samuel Morse's coding – enciphering of a signal differs approximately in half of alphabet letters.

The modern option of a Morse code – International Morse – appeared only in 1939 when the last adjustment concerning punctuation marks was carried out.

Widely use the Morse alphabet still. In emergency situations it remains the main reliable method of signal transmission.