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Before arrival to a command SAP held a post of the regional president across Russia and the CIS in Minkom company who is one of market leaders of development and deployment of a management system for the enterprises of mining and metallurgical industry. Besides, Andrey held executive positions in VDI companies (Moscow), specializing in custom software development, and TopsBI — one of the largest Russian system integrators.
2011: Deputy CEO of SAP CIS
In March, 2011 Andrey Nadein was appointed the deputy CEO of SAP CIS. He headed an industry cluster of SAP CIS which the oil and gas sector, metallurgy and metal working, telecommunications, power and housing and public utilities enter. The main objectives of Andrey Nadein - development, implementation and development of sales strategy of industry solutions of SAP, maintenance of an ecosystem of an industry cluster and also strengthening of customer relations. Andrey Nadein has extensive work experience in the field of automation of the large mining and metallurgical enterprises and also enterprises of an oil and gas sector in Russia and Kazakhstan.
The industries entering an area of responsibility of Andrey Nadein are strategically important for SAP. The company steadily takes the leading positions in this sector as solution provider for business management. Even in the conditions of crisis of sale of SAP CIS in these industries steadily grew: in comparison with 2009 growth of revenue was mentioned in metallurgy (+107%), power and housing and public utilities (+42.5%).
2013: CEO of I-Teco Business Consulting
The I-Teco company announced in April, 2013 new appointment: the position of the CEO of department of I-Teco Business Consulting was entered by Andrey Nadein. Its tasks include development, implementation and development of strategy of the company in the direction of consulting and also strengthening of the leading positions of the company in the market of consulting services.
On February 8, 2016 OMEGALLIANCE held a post of the CEO of group.