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Roskin-Frazee Noah (Noah Roskin-Frazee)



Roskin-Frazee Noah (Noah Roskin-Frazee)
Roskin-Frazee Noah (Noah Roskin-Frazee)


2024: Arrest in the case of theft of gadgets for $2.5 million

One of the white hackers hired by Apple to improve cybersecurity exploited one of the vulnerabilities and thus stole $2.5 million. This became known in early February 2024.

Noah Roskin-Frazee, a cybersecurity researcher affiliated with ZeroClicks Lab, has worked with Apple many times and fixed many vulnerabilities. A few days after his indictment, he was listed in Apple patches and the company even thanked him for discovering several vulnerabilities in macOS Sonoma.

According to the 404Media, Roskin-Frazee found a vulnerability in Toolbox, the back-end system Apple used to save orders. While orders were on pause, they could be edited. Noah, along with an alleged colleague, reset the account password of an employee of a third-party company that helped Apple maintain customer support. After that, they entered Apple's systems and began to draw up fraudulent orders for the company's products. So, the hacker stole $2.5 million worth of phones, computers and gift certificates from Apple. dollars

It is believed that a couple of hackers began working according to this scheme in 2018 and continued until at least March 2019. By manipulating orders, they added computers, phones there, and then changed the cost to zero. To receive orders, they used fake names and addresses, but at the same time one of the scammers used the scheme in order to extend insurance for himself and his family for two years. The hacker was arrested in January 2024.

Roskin-Frazee faces several fraud charges, and faces a prison term of more than 20 years if convicted.[1]
