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2023: Sentence - 4 years in prison for concealing cases of child abuse

In November 2023, the Kuibyshevsky District Court of Irkutsk sentenced Olga Vitko, director of the Center for Helping Children Left without Parental Care, Right-Bank District of Irkutsk. She was found guilty of committing a crime under paragraph "c" of Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of office).

As an official, she committed actions that clearly went beyond her powers, entailing a significant violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations protected by the law of the interests of society and the state, which caused grave consequences, the press service of the courts of the Irkutsk region said.

Center for assistance to children left without parental care of the Right-Bank District of Irkutsk

The regional prosecutor's office clarified that in November 2020, the head of the center became aware of the commission by one of the pupils of violent acts of a sexual nature against one of the youngest children. Afraid of being left without a prize and out of a desire to avoid a negative assessment of her work, the teacher did not inform law enforcement agencies and her superiors about the emergency.

The director of the orphanage convinced the employee subordinate to her to write a report with distorted and inaccurate information. The head of the orphanage later wanted to use the document at her discretion in case of publicity of what happened.

Thus, the director left the children in an environment that does not meet the requirements for content, that is, in a socially dangerous situation, which significantly violated their rights and legitimate interests, the regional department of the Investigative Committee said in a statement.

The incident for which the woman was convicted occurred in 2021. Information appeared on social networks that a 12-year-old pupil raped boys from three to five years old.[1]
