Since 1982 Cameroon the mysterious intellectual Paul Biya - the philosopher and the jurist, the influential member and the generous sponsor of the international Rosicrucian brotherhood of AMORC stretch manages.
Cameroon has glory of "the state of Rosicrucians" long ago. In the late fifties firmly located by of AMORC among political elite of francophone Africa loyal to Paris, especially on the coast of Atlantic. Occult practicians of AMORC organically joined the African mysticism, having replaced for elite, "evolyue", traditional ceremonies of initiation. Through them once there passed also Biya - in the first months on the presidency he accepted sorcerers from the people Sava, a bamileka, a fulba, a beta and also pygmies from whom received sacred a spear and swords - guarantors of its transcendental power.
At the same time Biya does not avoid Catholicism (it frequent and the guest of honor of Vatican), the Cabbala in which it was devoted by the rabbi Leon Ashkenazi (died in 1996). However its power is associated first of all with Rosicrucianism.
As well as his predecessor Amadou Ajidzho, Paul Biya long time made advances to frankmasona, but afterwards together with the colleague, the Gabon leader Omar of the Bongo (1967-2009), it tore with freemasonry and became the Rosicrucian. After this Yaounde the great master of AMORC Raymond Bernard who became, by hearsay, "a personal marabut" of Biya began to visit regularly. In 1988 Bernard received from him 3.6 million francs through National Society of Hydrocarbons (NSH), and in 1990 Biya provided to it in a gift a picture worth 5.3 million francs of Bernard Byuffe. In 1989 the president through Non-State Educational Institution transferred 2 million francs to the International center of cultural and spiritual researches based the previous year by Bernard. The general investments into an award are estimated at 20 million francs. It is known also that in 1997 Biya besprotsentno lent 40 million francs for 99 years to other child of Bernard - the Sovereign award of the Temple of initiation.
After Bernard's death in 2007 rumors about close death Biya went. However in 2011 and 2018 he was safely re-elected on the presidency. It is considered that for the end of 2019 activity of an award is sponsored by his spouse - the first lady of Cameroon Chantal Biya famous for the extravagant hairstyles.
Biya the expert on the Greek classics, Racine and the Cabbala, the anchorite and the mystic who had art of the power down to a science.
Biya at the same time everywhere and anywhere. Avoiding public and journalists, he skillfully neutralized critics and opponents and fascinated rare interlocutors.
The survivability of Rosicrucian, Masonic and other secret societies is caused by political economy of complex Cameroonian society. For lack of public policy the niche of the informal political organizations was occupied by secret elite clubs. Many party functionaries, politicians, officials and military are accepted in Masonic and Rosicrucian lodges and also in Ebok and Vadu's esoteric sects serving as convenient platforms for informal communication. Pass up to 95% of appointments through occult brotherhoods, service and government information.